Java port of
Boolean operations on polygons (union, intersection, difference, xor).
- Clips polygons for all boolean operations
- Removes unnecessary vertices
- Handles segments that are coincident (overlap perfectly, share vertices, one inside the other,
etc) - Uses formulas that take floating point irregularities into account (via configurable epsilon)
- Provides an API for constructing efficient sequences of operations
- Support for GeoJSON
types (experimental)
To use polybool-java, you need to use the following Maven dependency:
<!-- Maven -->
// Gradle (Groovy)
implementation 'com.menecats:polybool-java:1.0.1'
or download jars from Maven repository (or via quick links on the Release page)
import com.menecats.polybool.Epsilon;
import com.menecats.polybool.PolyBool;
import com.menecats.polybool.models.Polygon;
import static com.menecats.polybool.helpers.PolyBoolHelper.*;
public class PolyBoolExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Epsilon eps = epsilon();
Polygon intersection = PolyBool.intersect(
point(50, 50),
point(150, 150),
point(190, 50)
point(130, 50),
point(290, 150),
point(290, 50)
point(110, 20),
point(110, 110),
point(20, 20)
point(130, 170),
point(130, 20),
point(260, 20),
point(260, 170)
// Polygon { inverted: false, regions: [
// [[50.0, 50.0], [110.0, 50.0], [110.0, 110.0]],
// [[178.0, 80.0], [130.0, 50.0], [130.0, 130.0], [150.0, 150.0]],
// [[178.0, 80.0], [190.0, 50.0], [260.0, 50.0], [260.0, 131.25]]
// ]}
Epsilon eps=new Epsilon();
Polygon poly=PolyBool.union(eps,poly1,poly2);
Polygon poly=PolyBool.intersect(eps,poly1,poly2);
Polygon poly=PolyBool.difference(eps,poly1,poly2); // poly1 - poly2
Polygon poly=PolyBool.differenceRev(eps,poly1,poly2); // poly2 - poly1
Polygon poly=PolyBool.xor(eps,poly1,poly2);
Where poly1
, poly2
, and the return value are Polygon
There are also functions for converting between the native polygon format and
Note: These functions are currently experimental, and I'm hoping users can provide feedback.
Please comment in this issue on GitHub -- including
letting me know if it's working as expected. I don't use GeoJSON, but I thought I would take a
crack at conversion functions.
Use the following functions:
Geometry<?> geojson = PolyBool.polygonToGeoJSON(poly);
Polygon poly = PolyBool.polygonFromGeoJSON(geojson);
Only "Polygon"
and "MultiPolygon"
types are supported.
Epsilon eps=new Epsilon();
Segments segments=PolyBool.segments(eps,polygon);
Combined combined=PolyBool.combine(eps,segments1,segments2);
Segments segments=PolyBool.selectUnion(combined);
Segments segments=PolyBool.selectIntersect(combined);
Segments segments=PolyBool.selectDifference(combined);
Segments segments=PolyBool.selectDifferenceRev(combined);
Segments segments=PolyBool.selectXor(combined);
Polygon polygon=PolyBool.polygon(eps,segments);
Depending on your needs, it might be more efficient to construct your own sequence of operations
using the lower-level API. Note that PolyBool.union
, PolyBool.intersect
, etc, are just thin
wrappers for convenience.
There are three types of objects you will encounter in the core API:
- Polygons (discussed above, this is a list of regions and an
flag) - Segments
- Combined Segments
The basic flow chart of the API is:
You start by converting Polygons to Segments using PolyBool.segments(eps, poly)
You convert Segments to Combined Segments using PolyBool.combine(eps, seg1, seg2)
You select the resulting Segments from the Combined Segments using one of the selection operators
, PolyBool.selectIntersect(combined)
, etc. These selection
functions return Segments.
Once you're done, you convert the Segments back to Polygons using PolyBool.polygon(eps, segments)
Each transition is costly, so you want to navigate wisely. The selection transition is the least
Suppose you wanted to union a list of polygons together. The naive way to do it would be:
// works but not efficient
Polygon result = polygons[0];
for (int i = 1; i < polygons.length; i++)
result = PolyBool.union(eps, result, polygons[i]);
return result;
Instead, it's more efficient to use the core API directly, like this:
// works AND efficient
Segments segments=PolyBool.segments(eps,polygons[0]);
for(int i=1;i<polygons.length;i++){
Segments seg2=PolyBool.segments(eps,polygons[i]);
Combined comb=PolyBool.combine(eps,segments,seg2);
return PolyBool.polygon(eps,segments);
Suppose you want to calculate all operations on two polygons. The naive way to do it would be:
// works but not efficient
Map<String, Polygon> ops = new HashMap<>();
ops.put("union", PolyBool.union (eps, poly1, poly2));
ops.put("intersect", PolyBool.intersect (eps, poly1, poly2));
ops.put("difference", PolyBool.difference (eps, poly1, poly2));
ops.put("differenceRev", PolyBool.differenceRev(eps, poly1, poly2));
ops.put("xor", PolyBool.xor (eps, poly1, poly2));
return operations;
Instead, it's more efficient to use the core API directly, like this:
// works AND efficient
Segments seg1 = PolyBool.segments(eps, poly1);
Segments seg2 = PolyBool.segments(eps, poly2);
Combined comb = PolyBool.combine(eps, seg1, seg2);
Map<String, Polygon> ops= new HashMap<>();
ops.put("union", PolyBool.polygon(eps, PolyBool.selectUnion (eps, poly1, poly2)));
ops.put("intersect", PolyBool.polygon(eps, PolyBool.selectIntersect (eps, poly1, poly2)));
ops.put("difference", PolyBool.polygon(eps, PolyBool.selectDifference (eps, poly1, poly2)));
ops.put("differenceRev", PolyBool.polygon(eps, PolyBool.selectDifferenceRev(eps, poly1, poly2)));
ops.put("xor", PolyBool.polygon(eps, PolyBool.selectXor (eps, poly1, poly2)));
return ops;
As an added bonus, just going from Polygon to Segments and back performs simplification on the
Suppose you have garbage polygon data and just want to clean it up. The naive way to do it would
// union the polygon with nothing in order to clean up the data
// works but not efficient
Polygon cleaned=PolyBool.union(eps,polygon,new Polygon());
Instead, skip the combination and selection phase:
// works AND efficient
Polygon cleaned=PolyBool.polygon(eps,PolyBool.segments(eps,polygon));
Due to the beauty of floating point reality, floating point calculations are not exactly perfect.
This is a problem when trying to detect whether lines are on top of each other, or if vertices are
exactly the same.
Normally you would expect this to work:
/* A and B are equal */;
/* A and B are not equal */;
But for inexact floating point math, instead we use:
/* A and B are equal */;
/* A and B are not equal */;
You can set the epsilon while you invoke polybool functions by creating an Epsilon
Epsilon eps=new Epsilon();
You can specify a custom epsilon value while you instantiate an Epsilon
object or you can change it on an existing one
Epsilon eps=new Epsilon(myCustomEpsilonValue);
The default epsilon value is 0.0000000001 (1e-10)
If your polygons are really really large or really really tiny, then you will probably have to come
up with your own epsilon value -- otherwise, the default should be fine.
If PolyBool
detects that your epsilon is too small or too large, it will throw an error:
PolyBool: Zero-length segment detected; your epsilon is probably too small or too large
There is an ExperimentalEpsilon
class that implements some experimantal changes from the
PR #8 that aims to fix some bugs, but is not fully tested.