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A website that helps you to create a map poster, so it can be exported ready to print, with the ability to scale the map to a given size. Different map layers available to create your unique wall-memory touch!

It features 7 poster styles so far, that can all be customized (26 map layers available, text positioning and colors, custom icon). It allows user to define a title, a subtitle and a comment for their map. Each of these text's color can also be modified. Available in 10 languages, translations welcome.

Wanna try it ? We are running a MesseMap instance just for you!

Interface Screenshot

When exporting the map to disk the user can set the output dimension, the lowest resolution being A7 at 300 dpi (600 x 848) and the highest being A2 at 300 dpi (6500 x 9193). The user can also set the output format, between .png, .jpg, .webp and .pdf (exports in PDF are done in the CYMK color space so they're ready to print).

Get started

If you want to run a local instance, you may proceed as follows :

  • $ git clone
  • $ cd MesseMap
  • $ docker compose build && docker compose up -d

It will expose the application on your localhost, port 8010. Saved posters will be stored as JSON files in ./saved folder (to load a JSON saved poster, add ?callmeroot into the base url so a file input appear). You turn to configure the web server to expose this app to the world (feel welcome to let us know if you run one).

Map data

All maps are released under ODbL license. MesseMap is using open source maps released by OpenStreetMap, ESRI, Carto, Mapiful and Stamen providing astonishing data ready to use. A very warm thanks to those heroes!

Bonnus : Map tiles downloader

This repository also includes a Python script, that will fetch and save to your disk tiles for a given map. It features several options, to download the map tiles by zone (Lat/Lng min and max point and zoom range) or as a whole (but beware, maps are huge in size terms). Just start the script with no arguments to begin python ./src/py/ and fill the required information, then you can have one or several coffees.

Libraries and credits

The map handling is done using Leaflet.js (BSD-2-Clause license), a Leaflet plugin to enable a smooth zooming, SmoothWheelZoom (MIT license), another Leaflet plugin Leaflet Control Search (MIT license) to perform searches on the map, it uses html2canvas (MIT license), html2canvas-proxy-nodejs (MIT license) and jsPDF (MIT license) to allow the exporting in all supported formats.

Fonts are taken from DaFont, using Catamaran from Vladimir Nikolic, Sublima from Ruls Do Paolo and Louis George Café from Chen Yining.

Messe Basse Production --- 2022 / 2025