Metapool product for staking on Ethereum, receiving in exchange mpETH.
Allows users to stake ETH or WETH, instant redeem of mpETH (with a small fee) or delayed redeem (1 to 7 days) and add liquidity with ETH or WETH (for instant redeem).
NOTE: Goerli is no longer supported, use
Staking deployed to 0x748c905130CC15b92B97084Fd1eEBc2d2419146f LiquidUnstakePool deployed to 0x37774000C885e9355eA7C6B025EbF1704141093C Withdrawal deployed to 0x1A8c25ADc96Fb62183C4CB5B9F0c47746B847e05
Main contract responsible of managing the staking of ETH/WETH and redeem of mpETH
Liquidity pool to allow users to immediately exchange mpETH for ETH, without any delay but with a small fee. Also users can provide liquidity with ETH or WETH. This ETH will be slowly converted to mpETH through swaps and the Staking contract can also use this ETH (with some limitations) to create new validators, minting new mpETH for liquidity providers.
Manage the delayed mpETH redeem of users. Send ETH from rewards and validators disassemble to users. Users request the withdraw in the Staking contract and, one epoch later (one week) complete the withdraw on this contract.
This project use multiple .env files
for common variables to all network.env.<network>
for network specific variables
For testing with hardhat generated accounts, the .env
only requires:
NETWORK="Network used for all commands"
If NETWORK is not set, hardhat will try to use the Sepolia
For production you will need extra variables. Check .env.sample
for a list of all variables
Above this, each network requires a .env.<network>
file with the following variables:
BLOCK_NUMBER="Block number to fork"
- All commands also compile the contracts
npm run compile
npm test
npm run deploy <network>
npm run verify <network>
TARGET=Staking npm run upgrade <network>
npm run transfer_to_multisig <network>
This only transfer the admin permission to upgrade the contracts implementations, not the ADMIN_ROLE