A simple tool that allows to generate a report of the percentage worked in each task during a Scrum sprint, from a txt with a simple formatting.
For now the only way is to clone the repo and compile it, sorry :(
You'll need Visual Studio 2012.
We could add a compiled version if we see fit.
SprintReportGenerator.Console <taskFile> <Developer Name>
Basically you can write your notes as you want, with some little considerations:
Text inside "[..]" will be considered as metadata for the SprintReportGenerator
The basic structure must be Sprint > Days > Tasks
Excepting days, only lines with metadata blocks will be considered.
Sprint start day format:
YYYY-MM-DD [SPRINT:<SprintNumber>]
- You can include any data in the line as far as you put the day first and include the sprint metadata block somewhere.
- Example:
2015-02-23 - [SPRINT:53]
2015-02-23 - This is gonna be a great [SPRINT:53] !!
Day format:
- You can write it however you want as far as you put the day first.
- Example:
2015-02-24 Great day for debugging!
DayOff format:
YYYY-MM-DD [DAYOFF:<DayOff Description>]
- You can write it however you want as far as you put the day first and the dayOff metadata block somwhere.
- DayOff description is optional.
- Example:
2015-02-24 [DAYOFF]
2015-02-24 [DAYOFF:Moving to Paris]
2015-02-24 Great day for running away! [DAYOFF:Moving to Paris] :)
Task format:
[<TaskType>:Description:<Task Percentage>]
- TaskType is optional, a default of F will be used if not present.
- Task percentage is optional, if not present it will calculated from the remaining percentage of the day.
- If only one task is present, it will have 100%.
- You could indicate the percentage of only one task, and the remaining for the day will be equally distributed among the remaning tasks that don't have percentages specified.
- Example:
[This is an example feature]
[F:This is an example feature]
[B:This is an example bug]
[L:I'm leaving for half the day:50]
[O:This in an example task that took my 70%:70]
TODO: Add example task notes file.
The tool validates a lots of things and tries to print useful messages.
TODO: Include list of validations.
The whole file is parsed into rich Sprint, Day and Task models, so any logic can be easily be added.
Just file an issue on GitHub or send a PR!!