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This tool uses ruby-nmap gem. Nmap must be installed on the computer for it to work. It will save the results into a xml file. The tool can parse the xml file & print out the results.
This tool can perform:
- Syn scan
- idle scan
- ack scan
- udp scan
- connect scan
- null scan
- fin scan
- xmas scan
- window scan
- maimon scan
- echo scan
- spoof mac address
The tool is also able to use the following NSE scripts:
- banner
- http-wordpress-enum
- http-php-version
- bitcoin-info
- dns-brute
- http-wordpress-users
- http-affiliate-id
- dns brute
gem install colorize
gem install ruby-nmap
sudo apt-get install nmap
If you are on windows use this link: https://nmap.org/download.html
ruby rmap.rb --H
sudo ruby nmap.rb --ip yahoo.com --normal os_scan_yahoo.txt --os
sudo ruby nmap.rb --idle --spoofmac 00:11:22:33:44:55
ruby nmap.rb --xml scan.xml
ruby nmap.rb --btcinfo
ruby rmap.rb --phpversion example.com
ruby nmap.rb --script dns-brute --ip google.com --normal google.com.txt
sudo ruby nmap.rb --ip 192.168.1.* --xmas --normal xmas.txt
ruby nmap.rb --extractdomains google.com.txt
ruby nmap.rb --script dns-brute --ip yahoo.net --normal yahoo.txt --extractdomains yahoo.txt
ruby nmap.rb --targetfile yahoo.txt-ips.txt --normal service_scan_yahoo.txt --service
sudo ruby nmap.rb --random 10 --ack
ruby rmap.rb --wp google.com
sudo ruby nmap.rb --ip 192.168.1.* --arp-ping
ruby nmap.rb --ip 192.168.1.* --null
sudo ruby rmap.rb --list --ip --normal tttt.txt
Requires sudo permissions
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.