Live document detection library. Returns either a URI or a base64 encoded string of the captured image, allowing you to easily store it or use it as you wish !
Features :
- Live detection
- Perspective correction and crop of the image
- Live camera filters (brightness, saturation, contrast)
- Flash
- Easy to use base64 image
Can be easily plugged with react-native-perspective-image-cropper
Use version >=1.4.1 if you are using react-native 0.48+
$ yarn add
$ react-native link react-native-document-scanner
Edit the info.plist
file in XCode and add the following permission : NSCameraUsageDescription
Remember, this library uses your device camera, you can't run it on a simulator.
If you do not have it already in your project, you must link openCV in your settings.gradle
include ':openCVLibrary310'
project(':openCVLibrary310').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir,'../node_modules/react-native-document-scanner/android/openCVLibrary310')
Change manifest header to avoid "Manifest merger error". After you add xmlns:tools=""
should look like this:
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.<yourAppName>" xmlns:tools="">
Add tools:replace="android:allowBackup"
in <application tag. It should look like this:
<application tools:replace="android:allowBackup" android:name=".MainApplication" android:label="@string/app_name" android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" android:allowBackup="false" android:theme="@style/AppTheme">
Add Camera permissions request:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { View, Image } from "react-native";
import DocumentScanner from "react-native-document-scanner";
class YourComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (
onPictureTaken={data =>
image: data.croppedImage,
initialImage: data.initialImage,
rectangleCoordinates: data.rectangleCoordinates
overlayColor="rgba(255,130,0, 0.7)"
onRectangleDetect={({ stableCounter, lastDetectionType }) =>
this.setState({ stableCounter, lastDetectionType })
onPermissionsDenied={() => console.log("Permissions Denied")}
source={{ uri: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${this.state.image}` }}
Prop | Platform | Default | Type | Description |
overlayColor | Both | none |
string |
Color of the detected rectangle : rgba recommended |
detectionCountBeforeCapture | Both | 5 |
integer |
Number of correct rectangle to detect before capture |
detectionRefreshRateInMS | iOS | 50 |
integer |
Time between two rectangle detection attempt |
enableTorch | Both | false |
bool |
Allows to active or deactivate flash during document detection |
useFrontCam | iOS | false |
bool |
Allows you to switch between front and back camera |
brightness | iOS | 0 |
float |
Increase or decrease camera brightness. Normal as default. |
saturation | iOS | 1 |
float |
Increase or decrease camera saturation. Set 0 for black & white |
contrast | iOS | 1 |
float |
Increase or decrease camera contrast. Normal as default |
quality | iOS | 0.8 |
float |
Image compression. Reduces both image size and quality |
useBase64 | iOS | false |
bool |
If base64 representation should be passed instead of image uri's |
saveInAppDocument | iOS | false |
bool |
If should save in app document in case of not using base 64 |
captureMultiple | iOS | false |
bool |
Keeps the scanner on after a successful capture |
onPermissionsDenied | android | null |
func |
Function to call when the Android permissions are denied |
- First get component ref
<DocumentScanner ref={ref => (this.scanner = ref)} />
- Then call :
Props | Params | Type | Description |
onRectangleDetect | { stableCounter, lastDetectionType } |
object |
See below |
The returned object includes the following keys :
Number of correctly formated rectangle found (this number triggers capture once it goes above detectionCountBeforeCapture
Enum (0, 1 or 2) corresponding to the type of rectangle found
- Correctly formated rectangle
- Wrong perspective, bad angle
- Too far
Prop | Params | Type | Description |
onPictureTaken | data |
object |
Returns the captured image in an object { croppedImage: ('URI or BASE64 string'), initialImage: 'URI or BASE64 string', rectangleCoordinates: 'object of coordinates' } |
If you want to use saveInAppDocument options, then don't forget to add those raws in .plist :