Pytorch implementation of "Improved Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models", "Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models" and "Classifier-free Diffusion Guidance"
There are two ways to use this repository:
Install pip package containing the pytorch lightning model, which includes also the training step
pip install ddpm
Clone the repository to have the full control of the training
git clone
Install the project environment via hatch (
pip install hatch
). There are two environments: default has torch with cuda support, cpu without it.hatch env create
or hatch env create cpu
Train the model
hatch run train
or for the cpu environment
hatch run cpu:train
Note that this is valid for any
hatch run [env:]{command}
commandBy default, the version of trained DDPM is from "Improved Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models" paper on MNIST dataset. You can switch to the original DDPM by disabling the variational lower bound with the following command:
hatch run train model.vlb=False
You can also train the DDPM with the Classifier-free Diffusion Guidance by changing the model:
hatch run train model=unet_class_conditioned
or via the shortcut
hatch run train-class-conditioned
Finally, under saved_models/{train-datetime} you can find the trained model, the tensorboard logs, the training config
Train a model (See previous section)
Generate a new batch of images
hatch run generate -r RUN
The other options are:
[--seed SEED] [--device DEVICE] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [-w W] [--scheduler {linear,cosine,tan}] [-T T]
Under config there are several yaml files containing the training parameters such as model class and paramters, noise steps, scheduler and so on. Note that the hyperparameters in such files are taken from the papers "Improved Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models" and "Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models". Down below the explaination of the config file for train the model:
- model: unet_paper # take the model config from model/unet_paper.yaml
- scheduler: cosine # use the cosine scheduler from scheduler/cosine.yaml
- dataset: mnist
- optional model_dataset: ${model}-${dataset} # set particular hyper parameters for specific couples (model, dataset)
- optional model_scheduler: ${model}-${scheduler} # set particular hyper parameters for specific couples (model, scheduler)
batch_size: 128 # train batch size
noise_steps: 4_000 # noising steps; the T in "Improved Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models" and "Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models"
accelerator: null # training hardware; for more details see pytorch lightning
devices: null # training devices to use; for more details see pytorch lightning
gradient_clip_val: 0.0 # 0.0 means gradient clip disabled
gradient_clip_algorithm: norm # gradient clip has two values: 'norm' or 'value
ema: true # use Exponential Moving Average implemented in
ema_decay: 0.99 # decay factor of EMA
dir: saved_models/${now:%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S}
├── callbacks # Pytorch Lightning callbacks for training
│ ├── # exponential moving average callback
├── config # config files for training for hydra
│ ├── dataset # dataset config files
│ ├── model # model config files
│ ├── model_dataset # specific (model, dataset) config
│ ├── model_scheduler # specific (model, scheduler) config
│ ├── scheduler # scheduler config files
│ └── train.yaml # training config file
├── # script for generating images
├── model # model files
│ ├── # Classifier-free Diffusion Guidance
│ ├── # Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
│ ├── # distributions functions for diffusion
│ ├── # UNet model for Classifier-free Diffusion Guidance
│ └── # UNet model for Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
├── pyproject.toml # setuptool file to publish model/ to pypi and to manage the envs
├── # this file
├── # readme for pypi
├── # script for training
├── utils # utility functions
└── variance_scheduler # variance scheduler files
├── # cosine variance scheduler
└── # linear variance scheduler
To add a custom dataset, you need to create a new class that inherits from and implement the len and getitem methods. Then, you need to add the config file to the config/dataset folder with a similar structure of mnist.yaml
width: 28 # meta info about the dataset
height: 28
channels: 1 # number of image channels
num_classes: 10 # number of classes
files_location: ~/.cache/torchvision_dataset # location where to store the dataset, in case to be downloaded
train: #dataset.train is instantiated with this config
_target_: torchvision.datasets.MNIST # Dataset class. Following arguments are passed to the dataset class constructor
root: ${dataset.files_location}
train: true
download: true
_target_: torchvision.transforms.ToTensor
val: #dataset.val is instantiated with this config
_target_: torchvision.datasets.MNIST # Same dataset of train, but the validation split
root: ${dataset.files_location}
train: false
download: true
_target_: torchvision.transforms.ToTensor
hatch run train scheduler=linear accelerator='gpu' model.vlb=False noise_steps=1000
Use the labels for Diffusion Guidance, as in "Classifier-free Diffusion Guidance" with the following command
hatch run train model=unet_class_conditioned noise_steps=1000
- Add a new class (preferabily under
) which subclassesScheduler
class or just copy the same methods syntax ofScheduler
- Define a new config under
with the name my-scheduler.yaml containing the following fields
_target_: {your scheduler import path} (e.g. variance_scheduler.Linear)
... // your scheduler additional parameters
Finally train with the following command
hatch run train scheduler=my-scheduler
Add a new class which subclasses
Define a new config under
with the name my-dataset.yaml containing the following fields
width: ???
height: ???
channels: ???
_target_: {your dataset import path} (e.g. torchvision.datasets.MNIST)
// your dataset additional parameters
_target_: {your dataset import path} (e.g. torchvision.datasets.MNIST)
// your dataset additional parameters
Finally train with the following command
hatch run train dataset=my-dataset