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mbedTLS Integration Examples

This project demostrates integration of mbedTLS and hardware cryptographic modules such as the ATECC608A.

Supported hardware

Getting Started

Clone the project and it's submodules

git clone --recursive

Select the platform

Windows and Linux use CMAKE for configuration of the project for all other projects they can be found in the boards directory.

Configure the device

Build and run the configure program. If the device is already configured this step can be skipped.

Create the PKI ecosystem

See scripts/ and follow the instructions for setting up a chain of trust

Provision the device

Build and run the provision program with the provision.h output from the PKI scripts. This will write the certificate data into the device

Connect to your service with mutual authentication

Build and run the connect program to use the provisioned device as the secure key storage and hardware accelerator in your mbedTLS session