I'm a logician (by heart) and computer scientist (by training) who dabbles in philosophy, mainly philosophy of science and philosophy of computer science.
Currently I'm pursuing a Master's Degree in Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of Unicamp, though I spend most of my time at the Center of Logic, Epistemology and History of Science (CLE), and also I'm working on a library of modal logic in Coq (see publications bellow).
I'm a member of the Research Group on Foundations of Computation (Grupo de Pesquisa em Fundamentos da Computação - Função) from the State University of Santa Catarina (Udesc), we are here in GitHub and also on Instagram.
I do a lot of stuff with LaTeX, mostly bodges, some stuff with proof assistants, mostly Coq, and little stuff with code, mostly Python and Shell Scripts.
Ordered from newest to oldest.
- Soundness-Preserving Fusion of Modal Logics in Coq, published in 2024 and presented (by me) @ XXVII Brasilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF24)
- A Sound Deep Embedding of Arbitrary Normal Modal Logics in Coq, published in 2022 and presented @ XXVI Brasilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP22)
<--- My e-mail and socials should be somewhere around there