This project is an API for MoneyMoon, which has all the necessary endpoints for the web to work.
- Banks
- _id
- name
- userId
- Groups
- _id
- name
- userId
- total
- transactions
- Transactions
- _id
- date
- dateObject
- bankId
- type
- description
- amount
- balance
- Users
- _id
- username
- password
- bank
string []
- debts
- name
- description
- amount
- payed
Name | Description | URL | Method | Body | Headers |
Root | Checks if the server is running | / | GET | NA | NA |
Transactions by bankId | Returns all transaction with the given bank id | /transactions/{bankId} | GET | NA | access-token |
Get user by email | Returns a user by the given email | /user/{email} | GET | NA | access-token |
Get unpaid debts | Returns all the unpaid users from a user | /debts | GET | NA | access-token |
Get user banks | Return a list of the user's banks | /user/banks | GET | NA | access-token |
Get user groups | Returns a list of all the groups that the user has | /groups | GET | NA | access-token |
Search Transactions | Returns all the transactions that match the given query | /transactions/find?search={query}&page={page}&limit={limit}&bankId={bankId} | GET | NA | access-token |
Get transactions by group id | Returns all the transactions as objects from the id list in groups | /groups/{groupId} | GET | NA | access-token |
Sign Up | Creates a new user account | /signup | POST | {username, email, password} |
NA |
Login | Checks if the user can login and returns a jwt to set into access-token |
/login | POST | {email, password} |
NA |
Create bank | Creates a new bank for a user | /bank/create | POST | {name, userId} |
access-token |
Create transactions | Creates one or more transactions for a user | /transactions/create | POST | [{date, bankId, type, description, amount, balance}] |
access-token |
Create debt | Creates a debts for a user | /debts/create | POST | {name, description, Amount} |
access-token |
Create group | Creates a new group for the user | /groups | POST | {name} |
access-token |
Add transactions to group | Pushes transactions to a group | /groups/add/{groupId} | PUT | [string] |
access-token |
Pay debt | Substracts the payed amount from the current amount | /debts/pay?name={name}&amount={amount} | PUT | NA | access-token |
Delete debt | Removes a user debt | /debts/remove/{name} | DELETE | NA | access-token |
Delete group transaction | Removes a transaction form a group | /groups/delete/{groupId} | DELETE | {transactionId} |
access-token |