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Java library aiming to make importing and validating excel contents easy and safer


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About this

Spreadsheet Importer is a library that was born out of my perceived need to have an easy way of not only importing well formatted and prepared data but also of validating the contents of the file. The reality is that often times the source of a spreadsheet may lack technical or even business knowledge and expecting such a source to produce a perfect file is unreasonable. Using this library you should have a better chance of catching problems while also spending less time writing code and thinking of all possible combination of factors (of which there are many).

After you parse a file you can access all the problems, predefined in the library or business specific and then return them to the user. No more generic messages like "The file is invalid" when you have thousands of rows and no idea what's the problem. Using this library you will be able to return a list of specific problems down to a single row and column. The library is designed to allow any developer an easy way of adding custom validations or business specific logic.

You as a programmer are free to treat the imported data as you see fit. You can make it a best-effort and take only the valid rows or ignore everything if there's even a single validation problem. You can even consume the rows as they are being imported.

The library uses annotation processing. This means that most of the magic happens at compile time. This gives a better runtime performance and is also typesafe.

On top of standard importing functionalities, this also provides support for dynamic column ordering, regex column and spreadsheet recognition, metadata injection (like spreadsheet name/index or grouping all unmatched columns inside a map) as well as many other features.

GIF showing a short presentation of how the library can be used


  • Based on annotation processing, the magic happens at compile time increasing runtime performance and being ** type-safe**;
  • Works both with xlsx and xls;
  • Importing any of the following: String, Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Enums, LocalDateTime, LocalDate, LocalTime as well as custom classes having a public constructor accepting a String;
  • "Importing" extra data such as the sheet name, sheet index, row number, the index of the row or importing all the columns that were not otherwise matched;
  • Importing formula results;
  • Ordinal imports (based on the index of the row/sheet, header is optional);
  • Named imports (based on the name of the column/sheet or a regex);
  • Importing multiple columns(that match a regex) as a list;
  • Column presence validation (min/max number of times a column can be found);
  • Dynamic column ordering(no more columns must be in this exact order for this to work);
  • Predefined validations down to the column level: not null, matches regex, are formulas allowed;
  • Custom static validations down to the row level;
  • Custom dynamic validations down to the row level (can be used to check against a database or against an external system);
  • Real-time hooks with for the mapped rows (valid/invalid/all, including the validation problems for each one);
  • Allows processing a cells value before it is imported allowing you to change things such as regional particularities or other specific things;
  • Access valid/invalid rows, validation problems for a specific row or all rows that have a specific validation problem;
  • Ability to return to the user of list of problems, so they can know what is wrong and correct the problems;
  • Ability to customize those messages (like in other languages);
  • IoC compatible (can be integrated and tested/mocked inside an IoC environment like Spring);
  • Most functionalities should be covered by integration tests;

Planned (possibly):

  • Being able to split column values into a list of basic java types;
  • Don't store state, use only the hooks to allow large file imports (using com.monitorjbl.xlsx-streamer);
  • Support password-protected files;
  • Min, Max, Length validations?;
  • Injecting a map/list of the columns/field names that are invalid;


From Maven central:


How to use

  1. Create the class that matches the data you want to import:
// getters & setters are ommited

public class Employee{  
    private String firstName;      
    private String lastName;
    private GenderEnum gender;
    private Byte age;
    private Email email;
    private String phone;
    private Integer salary;
    private Boolean isMarried;
    List<String> bonuses;
    LocalDateTime lastLogin;
    LocalDate hiredOn;
    LocalTime startsWorkAt;
    LocalDateTime passwordExpires;
  1. Annotate the class using @Importable
Options @Importable Type Default Explanation
isNamed boolean false Whether the fields inside the class will be imported based on the column names or column positions
hasHeader boolean true If isNamed is false this is used to specify if the excel rows include a header or not. If true then a header must be present
sheetIndexes int[] {0} This specifies the indexes of the sheets that contain the data. By default it will import only from the first sheet
sheetNames String[] { } This specifies the name(s) or regular expresion(s) used to determine the sheets to import data from. If this is set the default value of sheetIndexes is ignored


   @Importable(isNamed = true, sheetNames = {"London.*"}) //will use the column names and will import from all sheets mathing the regex (e.g.: "London E" and "London W")
   public class Employee{
  1. Annotate the fields you want to import using @Import and @Named or @Ordinal depending on the value you used for isNamed. (You can't combine both named and ordinal imports inside the same class)

You can import the following:

  • Standard java types: String, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double , Boolean[^1], LocalDateTime, LocalDate, LocalTime;
  • Enums (using the valueOf method of the enum class; If no enum exists for the string the value and row will be considered invalid; You could use @PreProcess combined with DefaultEnumProcessor on enum fields to better match the fields);
  • List of standard java types (if you use named imports you can get a list with all the values from the columns matching the name);
  • Map with the value a standard java type and the key either an Integer or a String. The keys are the index/names of the columns matching the regex and the value is the content found in the respective column;
  • Any other class having a public constructor taking a String as a parameter. To pass back specific validation errors throw an InstantiationProblem. If this or any other exceptions are thrown the value and row will be considered invalid;
Options @Import Type Default Explanation
required boolean false Whether the value associated with this field must be present in order for it and the row to be considered valid. Empty strings (String::isEmpty) are interpreted as null since a normal user editing an excel cannot really differentiate between the 2 cases
trim boolean true If set to true then the input is trimmed of spaces (uses String::trim). This happens after @PreProcess and before the regex check
formulaAllowed boolean true If formulas can be present in the cell and if yes, they will be evaluated and then the result will continue as normal. When used with Temporal fields support may be only partial especially if used with matches
matches String "" Specifies the regular expression that a column must match in order for the value and row to be considered valid (uses String::matches). This is checked after the optional trim and optional @PreProcess.
For temporal fields (LocalDateTime, LocalDate and LocalTime) this column specifies the format to pass to DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern if the column is a string in excel
preProcess Class<? extends ColumnPreProcessor>[] {} The class for an implementation of the ColumnPreProcessor interface. This will be used to process the string value if needed. You can remove special characters, replace letters or any other operation. You can use multiple processors but generally one will probably be enough. If multiple processors are used, they are applied sequentially in the order they are given.
Options @Named Type Default Explanation
value String The name or regular expression to look for in the header
minimumMatches int 1 The minimum number of times that columns matching the name must be found in order for the file to be valid
maximumMatches int 1 The maximum number of times that columns matching the name must be found in order for the file to be valid. Can't be 0 and if greater than 1, the field must be a collection
Options @Ordinal Type Default Explanation
value int The index of the column this field should be imported from (starts at 0)


@Import(required = true, matches = EMAIL_REGEX)
private Email email; //this is a custom class with a public constructor taking a String
private GenderEnum gender;
List<String> bonuses;
Map<String,String> bonusesMap1;
@Named(value = "Non existent column", required = false)
private Boolean nonExistentColumn;
@Named("Password expires")
@Import(matches = "yy-MM-dd_HH:mm")
LocalDateTime passwordExpires;
  1. (Optional) For special use cases you can also "Inject" certain information inside your object using @Inject
Options @Inject Type Default Explanation
value InjectType Enum with the following values:
IMPORT_INDEX: For Integer fields this will set the index of the row irrespective of the sheet. Starts at 1 and will be unique for each row imported. Even invalid rows get an index;
ROW_NUMBER: For Integer fields, sets the number of the row in the sheet (starts at 0);
SHEET_NAME: For String fields, sets the sheet name the row is present in. Useful when using regex for the sheet name;
SHEET_INDEX: For Integer fields, sets the sheet index (starts from 0) the row is present in. Useful when using regex for the sheet name;
UNMATCHED_COLUMNS: For Map<String, String> fields, this gathers all columns that were not otherwise matched;
  1. Create public setters for all the fields you want to import or inject based on the setColumnName format accepting a single parameter of the same type as the field;

  2. (Optional) If you need cross validation (e.g.: if x field is null then y field must also be null) or more complex static validations not covered by the annotations you can have your mapped class implement Validatable and use the validate method to return a list of validation problems;

  3. Build the project in order for the annotations to be processed and the mapper to be generated (The mapper will have the same package as your class and the name will have "ImportMapper" appended);

  4. Create a new instance of Importer passing the class of the generated mapper; You could even make a bean out of it if using this alongside dependency injection;

  1. (Optional) If you want to do even more advanced validations (non static, e.g.: check a value is present in a database) you can use the builder (Importer.builder(EmployeeImportMapper.class)) and add validators to the importer using .withValidator(validator) where validator is of type Function<T, List<ValidationProblem>>; Mutating the object here is NOT encouraged or supported;

  2. (Optional) For "hooks" that get called for valid/invalid/all rows you can use .withConsumerForValid ,.withConsumerForInvalid or .withConsumer; At the time the "hooks" are called the validity of the object was already determined; Mutating the object here is NOT encouraged or supported;

  3. After everything is set up, you can call .process (with .build() before if youa dded extra options) and provide an InputStream of the excel file; This will return an immutable[^2] instance of type ImportData<T> that will contain the imported data and the validation problems;

  4. Access what you need from ImportData<T>:

    public boolean isValid();
    public List<T> getValidRows();
    public List<T> getInvalidRows();
    public List<T> getInvalidRows(Class<? extends Problem> validationProblemClass);
    public List<T> getAllRows();

    public long getRowNoTotal();
    public long getRowNoValid();
    public long getRowNoInvalid();

    public List<Problem> getValidationProblems();
    public List<RowProblem> getValidationProblems(T data);
    public List<Problem> getValidationProblems(Class<? extends Problem> clazz);
    public List<Problem> getValidationProblemsTree(Class<? extends Problem> clazz);

Extra step (optional): If you are using an IoC framework (like Spring) the Importer can function as a Bean since it does not change state across imports:

    public Importer<Employee> getImporterEmployee(EmployeeService employeeService) {        
        return Importer.builder(EmployeeNamedImportMapper.class)                


Designed to work both with xlsx and xls files thanks to apache-poi;

The library targets Java 8 and tries to keep dependencies at a minimum;

The library uses org.apache-poi:5.0.0 (latest as of writing this). I found that there can be problems if you or another of your dependency are using an older version that provides older jars like ooxml-schemas-1.4.jar. Don't ask me why but if you need to include the apache-poi dependencies in your POM in order to upgrade the version, try to include them among the top of your dependencies;

Due to Lombok using annotation processing in unintended ways (changing existing classes instead of strictly generating new ones) importing classes that have the setters generated with Lombok may create problems if this library gets to process its annotations before Lombok. I've found the problem between Lombok and other libraries using annotation processing in the past too. For me the solution was to put the lombok dependency first in my pom but that may not be that safe or work for in every situation. Worst case scenario, use the IDE to generate your setters or write them manually.


Most if not all the features of this library should be covered by integration tests (see the test folder). This allows safer development and more reliable code however it is hard to cover all combinations of annotations used, settings and most importantly the state of the provided excel.
If you end up using this, I suggest you write your own integration tests for your specific POJOs. Given the way the library works this shouldn't take you long so no excuse not to have this covered by tests too. Tests are also a great way to contribute to this if you want to. Adding your specific POJOs and dummy data can help improve the quality of this library.


If you want to reach out about this repository you can find me at: spreadsheet.importer (at) No support via email, for bugs please open an issue.

License - MIT

Copyright (c) 2021 - Mihai Vasile

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


[^1]: For boolean values strings are trimmed, upper-cased and then the following are mapped to true: "TRUE", " 1", "T", "Y", "YES" and the following to false: "FALSE", "0", "F", "N", "NO"; Any other value will be considered invalid together with the row;
[^2]: Apart from the instances of the user provided class <T>, the ImportData instance is intended to be immutable at the time the developer gets access to it (the instance can and is mutated internally by the library before it is provided to the dev);


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