This is a single page weather app that shows the current weather for the week for any zip code within the United Sates, with detailed information including precipitation, wind speed, and humidity. Information will be retrieved from the OpenWeather API.
As a user I want to be able to search for any location via zip code
So that I can easily and quickly choose see the weather for various locations.
As a user I want to see pictures of the approximate weather forecast (sun/rain/clouds)
So that I can make quick estimations of the weather without having to read actual numbers.
As a user I want to see detailed weather information for a location
So that I can prepare and dress appropriately for outdoor conditions.
As a user I want all information to be accessed at one glance
So that I do not need to click through multiple buttons to view one piece of weather data.
Have location cards for previuosly searched zip codes (This would be a POST request)