Harness the power of MailWizz, the full-featured, self-hosted email marketing software that's been battle-tested since 2013.
With top-notch support, extensive documentation, and a developer-friendly environment, MailWizz integrates seamlessly with a plethora of third-party services like Sendgrid, Amazon SES, and Mailgun.
đź”— MailWizz Official Website
A huge shoutout to the brilliant minds behind the evolution of this library:
- ntlzz93: For crafting the original library that started it all.
- chgonzalez9: For helping with the migration to TypeScript, enhancing the developer experience.
- kodjunkie: For contributing the unsubscribe method, a crucial feature for email marketing.
Your contributions have been instrumental in shaping node-mailwizz
into the tool it is today!
Install node-mailwizz
via npm to jumpstart your email marketing campaigns:
npm install node-mailwizz --save
🔥 Got an idea or facing an issue? Jump right in with a pull request or spark a discussion with an issue.
đź“‚ For a sneak peek at the available APIs and their parameters, take a dive into the src
directory, some of them are available but not documented yet.
- Acknowledgments
- Installation
- Config Object
- Campaigns API
- Templates API
- Subscriber API
- List API
- Countries API
Click to expand
The config object is required to initialize the API classes. It contains the following properties:
const config = {
publicKey: "yourPublicKey",
secret: "yourSecretKey",
baseUrl: "yourMailwizzApiUrl"
Click to expand
import { Campaigns, CreateCampaignType } from "node-mailwizz";
const campaigns = new Campaigns(config);
name: "Campaign Name",
type: CreateCampaignType.REGULAR,
fromName: "Mikel Calvo",
fromEmail: "spam@mikelcalvo.net",
subject: "Hi!",
replyTo: "spam@mikecalvo.net",
sendAt: "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
listId: "YOUR-LIST-ID",
segmentId: "YOUR-SEGMENT-ID",
urlTracking: "yes",
templateId: "YOUR-TEMPLATE-ID"
.then(result => console.log("Campaign created:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
CreateCampaignResponse {
status: string;
campaign_uid: string;
Click to expand
import { Templates } from "node-mailwizz";
const templates = new Templates(config);
page: 1,
per_page: 10
.then(result => console.log("Templates:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
GetAllTemplatesResponse {
status: string;
data: {
records: GetAllTemplatesResponseRecord[];
GetAllTemplatesResponseRecord {
template_uid: string;
name: string;
screenshot: string;
import { Templates } from "node-mailwizz";
const templates = new Templates(config);
.then(result => console.log("Template details:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
GetTemplateResponse {
status: string;
data: {
record: GetTemplateResponseRecord;
GetTemplateResponseRecord {
template_uid: string;
name: string;
screenshot: string;
Click to expand
import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz";
const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config);
let userInfo: CreateSubscriberParamsData = {
//Replace the values with your user info
email: "spam@mikelcalvo.net",
FNAME: "Mikel",
LNAME: "Calvo",
CUSTOM: "yourCustomField"
listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID",
data: userInfo,
.then(result => console.log("Subscriber created:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
CreateSubscriberResponse {
status: string;
data: CreateSubscriberResponseData;
CreateSubscriberResponseData {
record: CreateSubscriberResponseRecord;
CreateSubscriberResponseRecord {
subscriber_uid: string;
email: string;
ip_address: string;
source: string;
date_added: CreateSubscriberResponseRecordDateAdded;
CreateSubscriberResponseRecordDateAdded {
expression: string;
params: any;
import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz";
const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config);
// Similar to creating a subscriber, but with updated info
let updatedUserInfo: UpdateSubscriberParamsData = {
//Replace the values with your user info
EMAIL: "spam@mikelcalvo.net",
FNAME: "Mikel",
LNAME: "Calvo",
CUSTOM: "yourCustomField"
listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID",
subscriberUid: "SUBSCRIBER-ID",
data: updatedUserInfo,
.then(result => console.log("Subscriber updated:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
UpdateSubscriberResponse {
status: string;
data: UpdateSubscriberResponseData;
UpdateSubscriberResponseData {
record: UpdateSubscriberResponseRecord;
UpdateSubscriberResponseRecord {
subscriber_uid: string;
email: string;
ip_address: string;
source: string;
date_added: UpdateSubscriberResponseRecordDateAdded;
UpdateSubscriberResponseRecordDateAdded {
expression: string;
params: any;
import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz";
const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config);
listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID",
subscriberUid: "SUBSCRIBER-ID"
.then(result => console.log("Subscriber deleted:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
DeleteSubscriberResponse {
status: string;
import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz";
const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config);
listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID",
subscriberUid: "SUBSCRIBER-ID"
.then(result => console.log("Subscriber unsubscribed:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
UnsubscribeSubscriberResponse {
status: string;
import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz";
const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config);
// Get a paginated list of subscribers
listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID",
page: 1,
per_page: 10
.then(result => console.log("Subscribers:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
GetSubscribersResponse {
status: string;
data: {
count: string;
total_pages: number;
current_page: number;
next_page: number;
prev_page: number;
records: GetSubscribersResponseRecord[];
GetSubscribersResponseRecord {
subscriber_uid: string;
EMAIL: string;
FNAME: string;
LNAME: string;
status: string;
source: string;
ip_address: string;
date_added: string;
[key: string]: any;
import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz";
const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config);
listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID",
subscriberUid: "SUBSCRIBER-ID"
.then(result => console.log("Subscriber details:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
GetSubscriberResponse {
status: string;
data: GetSubscriberResponseData;
GetSubscriberResponseData {
subscriber_uid: string;
EMAIL: string;
FNAME: string;
LNAME: string;
status: string;
source: string;
ip_address: string;
date_added: string;
[key: string]: any;
import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz";
const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config);
listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID",
email: "spam@mikelcalvo.net"
.then(result => console.log("Subscriber found:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
EmailSearchResponse {
status: string;
data: EmailSearchResponseData;
EmailSearchResponseData {
subscriber_uid: string;
status: string;
date_added: string;
Click to expand
import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz";
const lists = new Lists(config);
// Retrieve your lists with pagination
page: 1,
per_page: 10
.then(result => console.log("Lists:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
GetAllListsResponse {
status: string;
data: {
count: string;
total_pages: number;
current_page: number;
next_page: number;
prev_page: number;
records: GetAllListsResponseRecord[];
GetAllListsResponseRecord {
general: GetAllListsResponseRecordGeneral;
defaults: GetAllListsResponseRecordDefaults;
notifications: GetAllListsResponseRecordNotifications;
company: GetAllListsResponseRecordCompany;
GetAllListsResponseRecordGeneral {
list_uid: string;
name: string;
display_name: string;
description: string;
GetAllListsResponseRecordDefaults {
from_name: string;
reply_to: string;
subject: string;
GetAllListsResponseRecordNotifications {
subscribe: string;
unsubscribe: string;
subscribe_to: string;
unsubscribe_to: string;
GetAllListsResponseRecordCompany {
name: string;
address_1: string;
address_2: string;
zone_name: string;
city: string;
zip_code: string;
phone: string;
address_format: string;
country: GetAllListsResponseRecordCompanyCountry;
GetAllListsResponseRecordCompanyCountry {
country_id: string;
name: string;
code: string;
import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz";
const lists = new Lists(config);
.then(result => console.log("List details:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
GetListResponse {
status: string;
data: {
record: GetListResponseRecord;
GetListResponseRecord {
general: GetListResponseRecordGeneral;
defaults: GetListResponseRecordDefaults;
notifications: GetListResponseRecordNotifications;
company: GetListResponseRecordCompany;
GetListResponseRecordGeneral {
list_uid: string;
name: string;
display_name: string;
description: string;
GetListResponseRecordDefaults {
from_name: string;
reply_to: string;
subject: string;
GetListResponseRecordNotifications {
subscribe: string;
unsubscribe: string;
subscribe_to: string;
unsubscribe_to: string;
GetListResponseRecordCompany {
name: string;
address_1: string;
address_2: string;
zone_name: string;
city: string;
zip_code: string;
phone: string;
address_format: string;
country: GetListResponseRecordCompanyCountry;
GetListResponseRecordCompanyCountry {
country_id: string;
name: string;
code: string;
import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz";
const lists = new Lists(config);
//Replace the values with your list info
name: "Main List", //Required
description: "This is a test list", //Required
fromName: "Mikel Calvo", //Required
fromEmail: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", //Required
replyTo: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", //Required
subject: "Hi!",
//notification when new subscriber added
notificationSubscribe: "yes", //yes or no
notificationUnsubscribe: "yes", //yes or no
//where to send the notification
notificationSubscribeTo: "spam@mikelcalvo.net",
notificationUnsubscribeTo: "spam@mikelcalvo.net",
//This is optional, if not set customer company data will be used:
companyName: "Mikel Calvo SL", //required
companyCountry: "Spain", //required
companyZone: "Basque Country", //required
companyAddress1: "Some street address", //required
companyAddress2: "",
companyZoneName: "", //when country doesn't have required zone
companyCity: "",
companyZipCode: ""
.then(result => console.log("List created:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
CreateListResponse {
status: string;
list_uid: string;
import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz";
const lists = new Lists(config);
.then(result => console.log("List copied:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
CopyListResponse {
status: string;
list_uid: string;
import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz";
const lists = new Lists(config);
.then(result => console.log("List removed:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
DeleteListResponse {
status: string;
// Similar to creating a list, but with updated info
import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz";
const lists = new Lists(config);
name: "Main List", //Required
description: "This is a test list", //Required
fromName: "Mikel Calvo", //Required
fromEmail: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", //Required
replyTo: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", //Required
subject: "Hi!",
//notification when new subscriber added
notificationSubscribe: "yes", //yes or no
notificationUnsubscribe: "yes", //yes or no
//where to send the notification
notificationSubscribeTo: "
notificationUnsubscribeTo: "
//This is optional, if not set customer company data will be used:
companyName: "Mikel Calvo SL", //required
companyCountry: "Spain", //required
companyZone: "Basque Country", //required
companyAddress1: "Some street address", //required
companyAddress2: "",
companyZoneName: "", //when country doesn't have required zone
companyCity: "",
companyZipCode: ""
.then(result => console.log("List updated:", result))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
UpdateListResponse {
status: string;
Click to expand
import { Countries } from "node-mailwizz";
const countriesClass = new Countries(config);
page: 1,
per_page: 10
.then(countries => console.log("Countries:", countries))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
GetAllCountriesResponse {
status: string;
data: {
count: string;
total_pages: number;
current_page: number;
next_page: number;
prev_page: number;
records: GetAllCountriesResponseRecord[];
GetAllCountriesResponseRecord {
country_id: string;
name: string;
code: string;
import { Countries } from "node-mailwizz";
const countriesClass = new Countries(config);
countryID: "ES",
page: 1,
per_page: 10
.then(zones => console.log("Zones:", zones))
.catch(err => console.error("Error:", err));
Response (Click to expand)
GetAllZonesResponse {
status: string;
data: {
count: string;
total_pages: number;
current_page: number;
next_page: number;
prev_page: number;
records: GetAllZonesResponseRecord[];
GetAllZonesResponseRecord {
zone_id: string;
name: string;
code: string;
This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE.md file for details