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General Idea: We have an app that tracks the time individual parts have been on the car.

How this will work:

  • Designers will be able to make parts/assemblies and apply them to the car or the shelf.
  • Drivers will be able to add time to the car and switch parts/assemblies from the car to the shelf.
  • Individual parts will be clumped in assembly groups (primary made up of ramps,weights, etc)
  • Multiple types of time will be able to be added to the car.

Errors / Extra abilities:

  • Time will not be able to be applied to an incomplete car
  • Time can be added to individual parts(test/dyno/ran on old car)
  • Negative time cannot be added (Ferris Beuler)
  • “Are you sure?” screen trying to make sure imputed data is correct
  • Parts without time limit shall be marked as 0 if not null
  • Driver of the car can listed for each drive

Types of times:

  • Endurance
  • Maneuv
  • Clutch Tune
  • test
  • dyno
  • other


  • “Cars” structure will be a list of every car
  • “Car” structure will be a dict of subsystems which are a name and a list of assemblies/parts
  • “Shelf” structure will be a dict of years of name and lists of subsystems which are a name and a list of assemblies/parts
  • “Assembly” structure will have a name | subsystem | part-list
  • “Part” structure will have a name | serial | time-limit | time-list


  • Make a part - author will fill out form - part will be made - then author will assign it a location
  • Make an assembly - author will fill out form - assembly will be made - then author will assign it a location
  • Switch part/assembly - user will be able to find part/assembly on car - button will be available to switch - list will be displayed of possible options from shelf(organized by year) - when clicked objects shall switch
  • Add time to car/part/assembly - car will have “Add time button” that brings up form with amount and type - when submitted amount and type shall be added to parts - once this is done parts will be searched to determine if time-list is over time-limit. If so - big red box appears to list out parts.
  • Add time (stopwatch style) - ability to add time based off of real time on the phone - multiple entries in one session - speed is key


  • Website shall act as point of contact for all designers/drivers
  • Basic password for website access - other than that no security