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A practice project demonstrating the implementation of authentication and user management using NextAuth.js.

Technologies Used

  • Next JS
  • Next Auth
  • Prisma
  • PostgreSQL Database
  • Resend
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Shadcn
  • Typescript
  • Deployed with Vercel

Key features

NextJS NextAuth

  • Next-auth v5 (Auth.js)
  • Next.js 14 with server actions
  • Next.js middleware
  • Extending & Exploring next-auth session
  • Next-auth callbacks

Next-auth Providers:

  • Credentials Provider
  • OAuth Provider (Social login with Google & GitHub)

Functions & components:

  • Forgot password functionality
  • Email verification
  • Two factor verification (2FA)
  • User roles (Admin & User)
  • Login component (Opens in redirect or modal)
  • Register component
  • Forgot password component
  • Verification component
  • Error component
  • Login button
  • Logout button

Role-based access Control:

  • Role Gate
  • Render content for admins using RoleGate component
  • Protect API Routes for admins only
  • Protect Server Actions for admins only

Server side VS Client side:

  • Server component
  • Client component
  • useCurrentUser hook(client side use)
  • useRole hook(client side use)
  • currentUser utility(server side)
  • currentRole utility(server side)

Upate settings:

  • Change email with new verification in Settings page
  • Change password with old password confirmation in Settings page
  • Enable/disable two-factor auth in Settings page
  • Change user role in Settings page (for development purposes only)