Simple test app that logs user activity from Django app to ELK stack using Docker.
- Delte pgadata
- Remove esdata, influx folder content
- Watch loags for postgresql and elastecsearch!
- Kibana dashboard: http://localhost:5601
- Influx dashboard: http://localhost:8083 (vm_metrics, docker_metrics) (show measurements)
- Grafana dashboard: http://localhost:3000 (admin, admin)
- App: http://localhost:8000 [/about, /test, /list_all/] list_all serve static files over nginx
- For Grafana to show results, choose Datasource add some (vm_metrics, docker_metrics) or both if you want to use more than one source.
- For type choose influx with url http://influxdb:8086 (this is docker compose name and port)
- For access choose proxy
- For database data choose vm_metrics or docker_metrics these are influx names
- Goto New Dashboard > Graph
- Click on Panel Title and choose edit
- From default choose_value to watch for
- Than from Select statement choose filed
Check gunicorn setup