NemosMiner v5.0.0.0
- Core: Added configuration item 'Currency', moved existing configuration item to 'MainCurrency'
- Core / Include.psm1: Remove properties 'PNP' and 'Reg' from devices (reduce memory footprint)
- Web GUI: Dashboard / Launched miners: Combine 'Miner' & 'Info' columns to 'Status Message' column
- API Server: Optimize miner queries
- Core: Add miner version to added firewall rules
- Core: Add coin name to miner info
- Core: Miner code optimizations
- Core: New configuration item 'MinerUseBestPoolsOnly'
- Core: Pool data invalid for pools with multiple currencies (e.g. Ethash@MiningPoolHub)
- Core: Rework donation randomizations (older versions did start donation just after midnight)
- Core: Use separate stat files for DAG based algorithms (e.g. Ethash-2GiB, Ethash-3GiB)
- Web GUI / Launched Miners: Show power usage live value
- Web GUI: Fix 'web page is not responding' error if there are many records in a table
- Web GUI: Launched Miners & Devices: Renamed column 'Status Message' to 'Status Info'
- BZMiner miner APIs: Invalid power usage reported when more one GPU is installed
- 'CcminerKlausT-v8.25' not creating miner objects
- 'CcminerVerusGpu-v3.8.3' Intensity not reduced for low mem GPUs
- 'ZergPool' brain not updating algorithm & coin name database
Miner updates:
- BzMiner-v16.0.5
- EthMiner-v0.19.0.18: Invalid download link
- GMiner-v2.75: Update download link
- JayddeeCpu-v3.23.0
- PhoenixMiner-v6.2c: Fix intensities for dual algorithm mining
- Rigel-v1.7.2
- RplantCpu-v5.0.34
- SRBMinerMulti-v2.3.5
- TeamBlackMiner-v1.99
- TTMiner-v2023.3.0: Add support for SSL/TLS connections