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Code 996

This is my coding exercises.



BS: binary search

BFS: breadth first search

BT: backtracking

DFS: depth first search

DC: divide & conquer

DP: dynamic programming

Data Structure:

LL: Linked List

ST: Stack

TR: Tree

# Title Solution Difficulty Liked Remarks
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python, Java Medium BT
20 Valid Parentheses Python, Java Easy
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Java Easy LL
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array C++, Python, Java Medium 👍 BS
39 Combination Sum C++, Java, Go Medium 👍 BT
46 Permutations C++ Medium BT
53 Maximum Subarray C++, Python, Go Easy 👍
64 Minimum Path Sum C++, Go Medium 👍 DP
69 Sqrt(x) C++, Python Easy BS
70 Climbing Stairs C++, Go Easy 👍 DP
75 Sort Colors C++, Python, Java Medium
83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Java Easy LL
88 Merge Sorted Array C++, Python, Java Easy
93 Restore IP Addresses C++, Python, Java Medium BT
95 Unique Binary Search Tree II C++, Python, Java Medium 👍 DC, DP
110 Balanced Binary Tree Easy TR
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock C++, Python, Java Easy
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II C++, Python, Java, Go Easy 👍
130 Surrounded Regions C++, Python, Java, Go Medium 👍 DFS
141 Linked List Cycle C++, Python, Java Easy
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array C++, Python Medium 👍 BS
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Java Easy LL
167 Two Sum II C++, Java, Python, Go, Kotlin Easy
206 Reverse Linked List Java Easy LL
207 Course Schedule C++, Java Medium 👍 BFS
210 Course Schedule II Java Medium 👍 BFS
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array C++, Python, Java Medium
232 Implement Queue using Stacks Java Easy
241 Different Ways to Add Parentheses C++, Python, Java Medium 👍 DC, DP
278 First Bad Version C++, Python, Java Easy BS
279 Perfect Squares C++, Python, Java Medium 👍 BFS, DP
343 Integer Break C++, Java Medium
345 Reverse Vowels of a String C++, Python, Java Easy
347 Top K Frequent Elements C++, Python Medium
392 Is Subsequence C++, Python, Java Easy
406 Queue Reconstruction by Height C++, Python, Java Medium 👍
435 Non-overlapping Intervals C++, Python, Java Medium
451 Sort Characters By Frequency C++, Python, Java Medium
452 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons C++, Python, Java Medium
455 Assign Cookies C++, Python, Java Easy
524 Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting C++, Python, Java Medium
540 Single Element in a Sorted Array C++, Python Medium 👍 BS
547 Friend Circles C++, Python, Java, Go Medium 👍 DFS
605 Can Place Flowers C++, Python Easy
633 Sum of Square Numbers C++, Python, Java Easy
665 Non-decreasing Array C++, Python, Java Easy
680 Valid Palindrome II C++, Python Easy
695 Max Area of Island C++, Python, Java, Go Medium DFS
725 Split Linked List in Parts Java Medium LL
739 Daily Temperatures Java Medium ST
744 Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target C++, Python, Java Easy BS
763 Partition Labels C++, Python, Java Medium 👍
785 Is Graph Bipartite? C++, Java Medium 👍 DFS
1091 Shortest Path in Binary Matrix C++, Python, Java, Go Medium 👍 BFS