Gregification is a process where an individual devotes time to Gregic modpacks such as GTNH, Supersymmetry, TerraFirmaGreg New Horizons, TerraFirmaRescue, Nomifactory CEu Hard Mode, and more.
The Process of Gregification is divided into stages: Gregification Alpha Gregification Beta Gregification Delta Gregification Epsilon Gregification Gamma Gregification Zeta Gregification Sigma Gregification Omega
Each Gregification Stage corresponds to increasing levels of Greg on the personality, the moral code, and the values and actions of such individual.
The Gregic Code of Conduct are a series of directives that every gregger must follow. These are :
- Praise Greg
- Devote time to Greg
- Spread the Gregification
- Worship GregoriusT
- Play Gregic Modpacks Everyday
- Studying Chemistry, Physics and any branch of Science in real life as a major.
- Admire Gregic Complexity
Ungregic Actions atleast include:
- Spreading Anti-Greg Propoganda
- Mispelling the name of GregoriusT on purpose
- Admiring Mekanism instead of GregTech
- Being part of the acidic sons of mekanism
- Spreading anti-science propoganda.
- Impersonating the creator of GregTech
To determine your gregification stage here are the following guidelines:
Gregification Alpha: Play nomifactory for 8 hours per day. Write Gregic Messages. Spread Gregic Propoganda once a day.
Gregification Beta: Play Gregtech New Horizons without quitting in LV. Write Longer-worded Gregic Messages. Spread Gregic Propoganda thrice a day. Note: You must also complete Gregification Alpha Requirements.
Gregification Deta: Play TerraFirmaGreg New Horizons without quitting before HV Play GregTech New Horizons without quitting before IV Write a 2 paragraph essay about Gregification and it's benefits You must graduate JHS and SHS with near-perfect grades in all STEM subjects Note: You must also complete Gregification Beta Requirements.
Gregification Epsilon: You must have Completed GTNH atleast once, and have a stargate with you. Write a short thesis about Gregification and it's benefits Study Chemistry, Physics, or any other STEM branch as your IRL major. Note: You must also complete Gregification Delta Requirements.
Grefification Gamma You must graduate from College/University with a passing grade and a STEM Major. You must have Completed Supersymmetry, GTNH, TerraFirmaGreg, TerraFirmaRescue atleast once. You must also write an entire thesis about Gregification and it's benefits and have it peer-reviewed by other Greggers. Note: You must also complete Gregification Epsilon Requirements.
Gregification Zeta You must graduate with a Doctorate in any STEM subject. You must have Completed GTNH in a speedrun. You must be working in a Gregic Job You must also handle disputes between Greggers based on the Gregic Rule of Law. You must be part of the Supersymmetry development team atleast for a year. Note: You must also complete Gregification Gamma Requirements.
Gregification Sigma You must complete all the gregification steps before this stage, except YOU ARE ALONE and without any help from other players. Note: You must also complete Gregification Zeta Requirements.
Gregification Omega You must be capable of beating any GT pack in record time. You must also be recognized by GregoriusT himself. Note: You must also complete Gregification Sigma Requirements.
This is a fork of supersymmetry that aims to maximize torture of your balls.
This project is sponsored by the shadow government
Chemistry Book Torture will not have anime. If you want anime go to Cock and Ball Touhouture instead.
If you want to complain then explode you acidic son of mekanism
This project as of now will still recieve upstream updates from Supersymmetry-Main
This project will not be merged with Project CBT, and The supersymmetry main branch.
Development is still allocated to Cock and Ball Touhouture
Add FBI raids that spawn by RNG chance
Add the ability for mobs to destroy and nuke your base
Add Nightly Invasions
Add Bloodmoon mod to the game
The End Goal of Development is for Cock and Ball Touhouture (Project CBT) and Chemistry Book Torture (Supersymmetry Nightmare Edition) to be merged.
We will be using Packwiz instead of using a python file.