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Config Explanation

Justin Vitale edited this page May 8, 2019 · 4 revisions

Here you can see a description of the config file.
The config is located at mcroot/config/Chikachi/DiscordIntegration.json
Note: This config can NOT be used, unless all the comments are removed

Using a older version? You can find the earlier version of this document here: Legacy

Quickstart config

  "discord": {
    "token": "abcdefghijklm.nopqrstuvwx-yz0123456789",
    "channels": {
      "channels": {
        "12345678901234567890": {}
  "minecraft": {
    "dimensions": {
      "generic": {
        "discordChannel": [

Explanation of config

  "discord": {
    "token": "", // This is the token for the Discord Bot
    "ignoresBots": true, // Should DiscordIntegration ignore Discord bots
    "ignoresUsers": [], // Define IDs of Discord users to ignore
    "allowLinking": true, // Enable the linking commands
    "channels": {
      "generic": { // Default settings for all channels
        "commandPrefix": "!", // Prefix for commands
        "canExecuteCommands": false, // Enable/Disable commands
        "relayChat": true, // Relay messages to Minecraft
        "messages": { // Configure the messages
          "chatMessage": "[{USER}] {MESSAGE}"
        "commands": [ // Commands
          { // Example: Stop command
            "name": "stop", // Discord command : commandPrefix (!) + name (stop) = !stop
            "command": "stop", // Minecraft command : Slash (/) + command (stop) = /stop
            "enabled": true, // Enable command
            "aliases": [ // Define aliases
              "close" // !close
            "permissions": [ // Define permissions
              "role:123456789012345678", // role:DiscordRoleID
              "role:MinecraftAdmins", // role:DiscordRoleName
              "user:123456789012345678", // user:DiscordUserID
              "123456789012345678", // DiscordUserID
              "user:AdminUser#1234", // user:DiscordName#Discriminator
              "AdminUser#1234", // DiscordName#Discriminator
          }, {
            "name": "tps",
            "command": "discord tps",
            "enabled": true
          }, {
            "name": "online",
            "command": "discord online",
            "enabled": true
          }, {
            "name": "list",
            "command": "list",
            "enabled": true
          }, {
            "name": "kick",
            "command": "kick {ARG_1}", // !kick User Because I can => /kick User
            "enabled": false
          }, {
            "name": "ban",
            "command": "ban {ARGS}", // !ban User Because I can => /ban User Because I can
            "enabled": false
      "channels": { // Define specific settings for channels
        "123456789012345678": { // Specific settings for channel with ID 123456789012345678

        "123456789012345679": { // Specific settings for channel with ID 123456789012345679
          "webhook": "" // Webhook URL for this channel
  "minecraft": {
    "dimensions": {
      "generic": { // Default settings for all dimensions
        "ignoreFakePlayerChat": true, // Ignore chat messages from fake players
        "relayServerStart": true, // Send a "Server started!" message on server start (configurable below)
        "relayServerStop": true, // Send a "Server stopped!" message on server stop (configurable below)
        "relayServerCrash": true, // Send a "Server crash detected!" message when detecting server crashing (configurable below)
        "chatPrefix": "", // Chat prefix
        "canMentionUsers": true, // Allow Minecraft players to mention Discord members
        "canMentionRoles": true, // Allow Minecraft players to mention Discord roles
        "discordChannel": [], // ID(s) of the Discord channel(s)(Integer), the bot should put the message
        "relayAchievements": true, // Send a message (configurable below) when a player earns an achievement
        "relayChat": true, // Send a message (configurable below) when a player sends a chat message
        "relayCommands": true, // Send a message (configurable below) when a player tries to execute a command
        "relayPlayerJoin": true, // Send a message (configurable below) when a player joins
        "relayPlayerLeave": true, // Send a message (configurable below) when a player leaves
        "relayPlayerDeath": true, // Send a message (configurable below) when a player dies
        "messages": { // Configure the messages (Normal is non-webhook messages, webhook is webhook messages)
          "chatMessage": { // Chat messages
            "normal": "**[{USER}]** {MESSAGE}",
            "webhook": "{MESSAGE}"
          "command": { // Commands
            "normal": "**[{USER}]** executed **{COMMAND} {ARGUMENTS}**",
            "webhook": "*executed **{COMMAND} {ARGUMENTS}***"
          "playerJoin": { // Player joins
            "normal": "**{USER}** just joined the server!",
            "webhook": "*Joined the server!*"
          "playerLeave": { // Player leaves
            "normal": "**{USER}** just left the server!",
            "webhook": "*Left the server!*"
          "playerDeath": { // Player dies
            "normal": "**{USER}** just died due to {REASON}!",
            "webhook": "*{REASON}*"
          "achievement": { // Player earned achievement
            "normal": "**{USER}** just gained the achievement **{ACHIEVEMENT}**!\n*{DESCRIPTION}*",
            "webhook": "*Gained the achievement **{ACHIEVEMENT}**!\n{DESCRIPTION}*"
          "serverStart": "Server started!", // Server starts
          "serverStop": "Server stopped!", // Server stops
          "serverCrash": "Server crash detected!" // Server crash detected
      "dimensions": { // Define specific settings for dimensions
        "-1": { // Specific settings for dimension -1 (Nether)

        "0": { // Specific settings for dimension 0 (Overworld)

        "1": { // Specific settings for dimension 1 (The End)

    "integrations": {
      "dynmapEnabled": true // Enable relay of chat messages on Dynmap to Discord
  "imc": { // Settings for IMC (Inter Mod Communications), other mods can use this to send messages to Discord and receive messages from Discord
    "enabled": true, // Enable IMC
    "mode": "whitelist", // Either "whitelist" (mods on the list is able to use IMC) or "blacklist" (mods on the list is NOT able to use IMC)
    "list": [] // List of mods