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Meteor Preloader

A Meteor "lazy-loader" for external .js and .css libraries

Preloader is to Meteor what yepnope.js was to pre-Meteor era.

NEW VERSION - v1.2.4

  • Various bug fixes


  • iron:router - A router that works on the server and the browser, designed specifically for Meteor.


Preloader extends the iron:router with with two main functions:

  • synchronous file loading - after loading the file, and if a user's callback method is defined, it will block the page load, and repeatedly call the callback method to check whether the library has finished it's initialization - many libraries do internal initialization and even loading their own dependencies before being ready. It will stop calling the callback method if not getting the positive (boolean true) response from it after 2 seconds, and it will continue with the rest of the libraries;
  • asynchronous file loading - in order to prevent blocking the page load and load large libraries in the background to speed up the loading process. There may be callback method provided as well - it will not block the page load but may be used to check for external library's successful initialization.


Meteor gathers all JavaScript files in the application tree, with the exception of the server, public, and private subdirectories, for the client. It minifies this bundle and serves it to each new client.

That's fine for small (one-page) applications with a few (dozen) custom .js files, but when you're building a large, structured application that has many different screens, like a CMS application for example, things are getting more complicated.

The problem in large applications is that you usually don't want to serve all libraries (.js and .css files) to ALL pages. A login page or a user profile page doesn't need fairly large mapping or graph visualization libraries or extensive styling.

Also, to improve the page loading speed and responsiveness, you'd often want to load 3rd party libraries from CDN (or author's server) instead of your own server.

To load such files, a usual approach is to use AJAX loader, for example jQuery's $.ajax, or a higher-level alternatives like $.get() and $.load(). The main problem with those methods is that they work asynchronously, meaning - they will not block the page loading, which may be a problem for depending libraries and user defined methods - successful AJAX load doesn't guarantee that the library has finished self-initialization, therefore may not be available to other libraries and custom methods when they load or being invoked.

Preloader's main task is to fix that problem.

NOTE: .css files will be just appended to the <head> section which will cause their immediate loading and they are always loaded asynchronously.


Yeah! Now, go ahead and type:

meteor add miro:preloader

to add it to your app.

Bring it on!

Preloader adds one method parameter (preload) to any or all of the following Iron.Router objects:

  • Router.configure - default options for all routes

  • RouteController - default options for all routes using that controller

  • Route - specific options for a particular route

If no extended controller has been provided for a particular route, a PreloadController itself should be assigned to the route.

To use Preloader, add these method parameters to them:

'preload': {

	 | Parameters can be a string (file path) or an array of strings

	// Added in v1.2.1 - this one works only in Router.Configure!
	'verbose': true,  // Show loading messages in console

	// Custom time-out to replace internal 2 seconds
	'timeOut': 5000,	// milliseconds

	// CSS style(s) to load
	'styles' : '',	// or []

	// File(s) to be loaded asynchronously (non-blocking)
	'async'  : '',	// or []

	// File(s) to be loaded synchronously (blocking)
	'sync'   : '',	// or []

	// (optional) User-defined method called BEFORE each asynchronously
	// loaded library to allow additional processing
	'onBeforeAsync': function ( fileName ) {
		// Return 'true' to continue normally, otherwise skip library
		return true;

	// (optional) User-defined method called on each asynchronously
	// loaded library to check whether it finished initialization
	'onAsync': function ( error, result ) {
		// Check if library finished initialization
		// and have your way with it

		/* error:
			file      : <full path of the file being loaded>,
			jqxhr     : <jqxhr object returned from AJAX call>,
			status    : <textual status returned from AJAX call>,
			exception : <exception object returned from AJAX call>,
			counter   : <current file counter>,
			totalFiles: <total number of files being loaded>

		// result:
			file      : <full path of the file being loaded>,
			script    : <file content returned from AJAX call>,
			status    : <textual status returned from AJAX call>,
			counter   : <current file counter>,
			totalFiles: <total number of files being loaded>

	// (optional) User-defined method called AFTER each asynchronously
	// loaded library to allow additional processing
	'onAfterAsync': function ( fileName ) {
		// Return 'true' to continue normally,
		// otherwise don't mark library as loaded
		return true;

	// (optional) User-defined method called BEFORE each synchronously
	// loaded library to allow additional processing
	'onBeforeSync': function ( fileName ) {
		// Return 'true' to continue normally, otherwise skip library
		return true;

	// (optional) User-defined method called on each synchronously
	// loaded library to check whether it finished initialization
	'onSync' : function ( fileName ) {
		// Check and return `true` if `fileName` finished initialization
		return true;

	// (optional) User-defined method called AFTER each synchronously
	// loaded library to allow additional processing
	'onAfterSync': function ( fileName ) {
		// Return 'true' to continue normally,
		// otherwise don't mark library as loaded
		return true;

These options are processed by the PreloadController - a built-in route controller that handles preloading.

It's used in two ways:

  • To be extended for a custom route controller:
HomeController = PreloadController.extend();

Router.route( '/', {
	name: 'home'


  • To be assigned to the Route directly:
Router.route( '/', {
	controller: PreloadController	// or 'PreloadController'

We might have some options defined globally with Router.configure, some options defined on the Route and some options defined on the RouteController. Preloader looks up options in this order:

  1. Route
  2. RouteController
  3. Router

And now, something completely different!

(Drumroll...) Example time!

var routePath = '',
	routeLoaded = false,
	loadHandler = function () {
		routeLoaded = true;

	layoutTemplate : 'layout',
	loadingTemplate: 'loading',

	 | Options declared on the extended PreloadController and route
	 | will override these default Router options!
	'preload': {
		// Added in v1.2.1 - this one works only in Router.Configure!
		'verbose': true,  // Show loading messages in console

		'timeOut': 5000,  // wait 5s for our humongous library to finish loading
		'styles' : '/library/icons/fontawesome/assets/css/font-awesome.css',
		'async'  : '/large/files/to/async/preload/humongous.js',
		'sync'   : [
		'onAsync': function ( error, result ) {
			if ( error ) {
				console.log( 'Some other time... :(' );
			} else {
				console.log( 'Finally! :)' );
		'onBeforeSync': function ( fileName ) {
			if ( fileName === routePath ) {
				// Our ArcGis library requires special treatment:
				var script    = document.createElement( 'script' );

				script.rel    = 'preload javascript';
				script.type   = 'text/javascript';
				script.src    = routePath;
				script.onload = loadHandler;

				document.body.appendChild( script );

				// No need to continue normally...
				return false;
		'onSync' : function ( filePath ) {
			if ( routeLoaded && filePath === routePath ) {
				// Check for Dojo
				return !!require && !!define;
			// Else...
			var fileName = filePath.replace( /\?.*$/,"" ).replace( /.*\//,"" );

			switch ( fileName ) {
				case 'modernizr.js':
						try {
							return !!Modernizr;
						} catch ( error ) {
							return false;
					return true;
		'onAfterSync': function ( fileName ) {
			// We'll probably want to reload the main
			// library, so don't mark it cached
			return false;

AppRouteController = PreloadController.extend({
	 | Options declared on the route will override these options!
	'preload': {
		'async': '/plugins/main_badass.js'

	onBeforeAction: function () {
		var self = this,
			routeName = self.route.getName();

		switch ( routeName ) {
			case 'badAss':
				self.preload.sync = '/plugins/even_more_badass.js';
				self.preload.onSync = function ( filePath ) {
					var file = filePath.replace( /\?.*$/,"" ).replace( /.*\//,"" );

					switch ( file ) {
						case 'even_more_badass.js':
								try {
									return !!BADASS;
								} catch ( error ) {
									return false;
							return true;
				// Whatever goes on with other routes

Router.route( '/', {
	name          : 'home',
	template      : 'main',
	yieldTemplates: {
		'news': {
			to: 'mainContent'

	 | If no extended controller has been provided for a particular route,
	 | a PreloadController itself should be assigned to the route
	controller: AppRouteController,

	 | Options declared on the route will override
	 | extended PreloadController and global options!
	'preload': {
		'sync'  : '/plugins/yet_another_fancy_schmancy.js',
		'onSync': function ( filePath ) {
			var file = filePath.replace( /\?.*$/,"" ).replace( /.*\//,"" );

			switch ( file ) {
				case 'yet_another_fancy_schmancy.js':
						try {
							return !!YAFS;
						} catch ( error ) {
							return false;
					return true;

Oh, no, not again!

Oh yes - you can speed up loading by caching AJAX loading (globally) with:

	cache: true



  • Various bug fixes (fixes #18 hopefully for good now ;)


  • Various bug fixes (fixes #18 & #19)


  • Logging in console throwing errors in unsupported browsers prevented (fixed by #21)


  • Logging in console may now be controlled by the flag (addresses #12)
  • Bug fixes (CSS loading)
  • Clean up


  • Extended to server side (only to prevent errors if ran on server)
  • Some new methods - library/event handlers
  • Reinstated verbose logging
  • Bug fixes
  • Clean up


  • Rewritten again - simplified API
  • Bug fixes


  • Docs changes & typos


  • Version bump


  • Specifying a version constraint for iron:router package (@1.0.5)


  • Now compatible with Meteor v1.0


  • Added sync loading to extended controller - if you extend the PreloadController, you can set its preload parameter to the object containing lists of CSS and JavaScript files to load for each route that is using extended controller.
  • Bug Fixes NOTE: Each route's own preload settings will override the extended controller's preload settings!


  • Fix for issue #3 - "Preloader fails after the 0.8.3 meteor update"


  • Fix comments in examples


  • Async loading moved to the end (after sync loading) in order to not to block the page load
  • Fix for async file counter
  • Fix for preloader handler's loop


  • Total rewrite
    • changed the parameter structure!
    • route controller's preload method has been deprecated!
  • Added Async loading for large libraries
    • for example: in case there's a large library that will be needed after user's login, its loading can be initiated at the first initial page load, before the user logs in and it's load will continue until fully loaded regardless of any routes being (re)loaded
    • a handler can be passed to miro:preloader to be invoked on each file being (pre)loaded
  • Now checking (across routes) for already loaded libraries to prevent re-loading


  • Fix for cached status of styles not being correctly set


  • Cached status so styles as well don't get loaded again for the same route (until full page reload, duh!)


  • Cached status so libraries don't get loaded again for the same route (until full page reload, duh!)


  • Bumped up version in smart.js


  • Fixed bug #2 - Not all the js files are loaded
  • Changes to the


  • Fixed bug: Empty 'default' parameter in preloadFiles throwing error


  • Initial release


Inspired by wait-on-lib

Copyright and license

Copyright © 2014-2015 Miroslav Hibler

miro:preloader is licensed under the MIT license.


A Meteor "lazy-loader" for external .js and .css libraries






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