River's Edge Chronicles is a captivating 3D game developed during the Game Development Using Unreal Engine 5 class in my 3rd year of studying Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest. The game unfolds in a picturesque medieval village, surrounded by a mysterious river, with an imposing castle at its center. Your goal is to explore this intricate map, interacting with various elements and characters.
River's Edge Chronicles is my introduction to game development with Unreal Engine 5 project and it aims to incorporate the fundamental elements for an engaging gaming experience. The specific project requirements can be found in the documentation.
Main Features:
Complex Map Design: Crafted a complex map depicting a medieval village, offering an engaging scene for players to explore.
Guardian Challenge: Introduced a guardian protecting the castle — an AI entity capable of defense and counterattacks.
Health System: Developed a straightforward health system, featuring a clear health bar widget visible both above the guardian and in the lower-left corner for the player.
Combat System: Developed a simple yet strategic combat system, allowing players to engage with and damage the guardian.
Checkpoints: Placed checkpoints for local progress saving.
Day-Night Cycle: Integrated a realistic day-night cycle for varied atmospheres.
Materials Exploration: Added scattered materials as hidden Easter eggs throughout the map.
Menus Integration: Designed user-friendly menus, including a main menu, customizable options, a convenient pause menu (activated with 'P'), and a game over menu.
- Unreal Engine 5.3.2
- Move Forward/Backward: W/S
- Strafe Left/Right: A/D
- Jump: Space
- Change Emissive Sac Color: Continuous press on Enter
- Pause: P
- Rotate Camera: Mouse
- Change Perspective: C (Third-person/First-person)
- Attack: Left mouse click
The game's scene was created following the tutorial "Building Medieval Worlds" by 3D Tudor Limited, instructed by Neil Ian Bettison. For more details, refer to the tutorial on O'Reilly.