Visualizing Dialogues: Enhancing Image Selection through Dialogue Understanding with Large Language Models
conda create -n {your env name} python=3.12.2
conda activate {your env name}
pip install -r requirements.txt
# setup openai-clip
pip install ftfy regex tqdm
pip install git+
# put the raw photochat dataset in your directory
python utils/data/ --raw_path {raw photochat dataset directory} --saved_path {processed data directory}
# Generate descriptors
python3 utils/data/ --src_path {data directory} --saved_path {descriptor file saved directory} --model_name {LLM model name} --task {descriptor type: query, guess, sum}
# Run zero-shot
python3 --task {choose your target task} --src_path {descriptor file saved directory} --clip_model_name {CLIP model name} --zero_shot
# Generate descriptors
python3 utils/data/ --src_path {data directory} --saved_path {descriptor file saved directory} --model_name {LLM model name} --task {descriptor type: query, guess, sum}
# Run fully-trained
python3 --task {choose your target task} --src_path {descriptor file saved directory} --clip_model_name {CLIP model name} --n_epochs {number of epochs}