This package is a lightweight wrapper for the Svea Ekonomi Payment Gateway API (docs) for Go. It provides easy to use functions/methods and error templates with most of the API implemented.
- Merchant ID
- Secret "word"
These can be obtained by signing an agreement with Svea Ekonomi to use their payment services.
Requests to the Svea Payment Gateway API result in a status code. The functions and methods in this package return errors corresponding to these status codes if the status code is anything other than 0
(success!). The cause of these errors can be determined programmatically by using the error "template" variables this package provides. The names of these all begin with Err
(for example ErrInternalError
or ErrDeniedByBank
One of these errors stand out though. Some requests to the Svea Payment Gateway API can result in the status code 1
, which means the request was successful but a manual review is in order for the merchant. This error is ErrRequiresManualReview
. Remember this!
The Svea Payment Gateway API expects the order amount to be represented in the smallest form of a given currency. Please note that in this example, an amount of 100 and a currency of SEK would result in 1 kr being charged, not 100.
The first step of using this package is to create a client with the above mentioned credentials, this client will be used to make requests to the API.
c := sveawebpay.NewClient(merchantID, secret)
//You can also optionally enable the test API:s
c.Test = true
//Create order
order := sveawebpay.Order{
PaymentMethod: sveawebpay.PaymentMethodCard,
Currency: "SEK",
Amount: 100,
Vat: 25,
CustomerRefNo: "1337",
Lang: sveawebpay.LangEnglish,
IPAddress: "",
SSN: "999999-9999",
Customer: sveawebpay.Customer{
LegalName: "Test Testsson",
SSN: "999999-9999",
AddressLine1: "Testgatan 1",
PostalCode: "111 11",
City: "Testdalen",
//Add order row
Name: "Test",
Description: "Some test",
Amount: 100,
Vat: 25,
Quantity: 1,
ArticleNumber: "1",
Unit: "st",
IPAddress: "",
//Prepare the payment
preparedPayment, err := c.PreparePayment(order)
if err != nil {
//Handle error..
//Get the url to where the payment can be completed
url := preparedPayment.URL()
transaction, err := c.DecodePaymentResponseBody(r)
Create a new transaction for an existing subscription. A subscription can be created by preparing a payment.
order := sveawebpay.RecurOrder{
CustomerRefNo: "order id",
SubscriptionID: 1234,
Currency: "SEK",
Amount: 100,
Vat: 25,
transaction, err := c.Recur(order)
Cancel an existing recur subscription so that no further recurs can be made on it.
err := c.CancelRecurSubscription(subscriptionID)
Credit a transaction and return money to the customer. Only transactions that have reached the status SUCCESS can be credited.
err := c.Credit(transactionID, amount)
Cancel a payment before it has been captured. It can only be performed on card, invoice, or payment plan transactions having the status AUTHORIZED or CONFIRMED.
err := c.Annul(transactionID)
Confirm a transaction. It is intended for card transactions. It can only be performed on card transactions having the status AUTHORIZED. This will result in a CONFIRMED transaction that will be captured (settled) on the given capture date. Confirm is mainly used by merchants who are configured to confirm their transactions themselves. Otherwise the transactions are confirmed automatically.
err := c.Annul(transactionID, time.Now())
Lower the amount to be captured on a transaction before it has been captured. It is intended for card transactions having the status AUTHORIZED or CONFIRMED. It can be used e.g. if the merchant is unable to deliver all of the items that was ordered by the customer, and wants to lower the total amount to pay. If the amountToLower
is equal to the authorized amount, the transaction status will change to annulled.
err := c.LowerAmount(transactionID, amountToLower)
Get information about a specific order with either the specified transaction ID or customer reference number. Both does not need to be provided. If transactionID
is less than or equal to 0
, customerRefNo
will be used. If customerRefNo
is an empty string as well a package error will be returned. If both are set transactionID
will be used.
Please only use this when needed. Repetitive polling is not allowed.
transaction, err := c.GetTransaction(transactionID, customerRefNo)