Coded by: Mohamed Masoud , 2019
Slide Mask Demo is a webix based interactive learning environment to binary classify WSI regions of interest. It produces the heatmap and mask for the region of interests. It can run on local WSI or access remotely images with OpenSeadragon.
Demo shows registration of whole slide images after preprocessing them. It can run on local or remotely images with OpenSeadragon.
Demo shows cell masks of Tonsil example TONSIL-1_40X_cellMask.tif
Demo shows compositing and blending of OME files of whole slide image frames .
Demo shows tree based panel for whole slide images selection and overlaying from the server.
Demo shows a proof on concept of blending OME Frames.
Demo visualize OME Channel Organizer functionality.
Demo shows segmenation of 3D brain MRI at the browser based on a pretrained MeshNet model.