Inspired by Visual Studio Code 'code' command line tool,Implement command-line automation for cloning, automatically determining project type, and launching Jetbrains idea.
Now testing and optimization are only performed on Windows.
To ensure proper functionality, either select the option to add idea to the PATH during installation or manually add the 'bin' directory of idea to the PATH. In case of an empty project path or when no matching rules are found, an error will be reported, prompting manual execution if no default idea in config.
After downloading the executable file, place it in the 'bin' directory. For the initial usage, run it once to generate the configuration files.
The configuration file is located at $HOME/.CodeCli.yaml
, and all fields are mandatory except for default.idea
username: "" # default username for gitSite
cmdProgram: "powershell" # program for 'cmd' sub-command
idea: "" # default idea, such as goland, webstorm, studio
projectDir: "" # the storage path for project files
rules: # match from top to bottom
- idea: webstorm
file: [package.json]
- idea: goland
file: [go.mod]
- idea: rustrover
file: [Cargo.toml]
- idea: pycharm
file: [pyproject.toml, requirements.txt]
- idea: studio
file: [android\build.gradle, build.gradle]
- idea: idea
file: [gradlew]
as an example.
# open idea for current directory
code .
code # open the specified project
# commands with similar functionality
code Mmx233/CodeCli
code CodeCli
code CodeCli --idea webstorm # specify to open the project with WebStorm
# open with relative path
code ..
code ./some_dir
code ../some_dir
# open sub dir as sub project
# sub project only work on full addr
By default, clean projects that haven't been modified in the last 60 days. Projects with uncommitted code changes will be skipped by default.
code clear
code clear -t 1000h # specify the idle time during cleanup
code clear Mmx233/CodeCli AnotherCodeCli # delete the specified repository
code clear -y # skip the deletion confirmation
code clear -f # forcefully delete even if there are uncommitted changes or it's not a Git directory
code cmd
code cmd CodeCli
Only supported on windows.
code browser Mmx233/CodeCli
code config list # list all configs
code config default.username=Mmx233 # modify config
# commands with similar functionality
code config default username Mmx233
code config set default.username=Mmx233
code config unset default.username # unset config
~$ code --help-long
usage: code [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
A project manager command line tool.
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
-v, --version Show application version.
--idea=IDEA Specify an idea.
<addr> Project addr.
help [<command>...]
Show help.
project [<flags>] [<addr>]
Open projects.
--idea=IDEA Specify an idea.
clear [<flags>] [<addr>...]
Auto clear outdated projects.
-t, --time=1440h Clean up projects that have not been used for how long.
-y, --yes Confirm delete.
-f, --force Force delete, skip confirm and checks.
cmd [<addr>]
Open project terminal.
config list
List all configs.
config set <field> [<value>]
Set config.
config unset <field>
Clear config.
browser [<addr>]
Open project in browser.