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Latest Release PlatformIO Homie

This repository contains code to use the Homie framework and its IoT convention with a soil moisture sensor from April Brothers (Source and schematic: When this firmware is running, the sensor will publish it's sensor readings in the homie convention format. Based on the work of ve2cuz - Real Drouin

Soil Moisture Sensor

The following properties are published:

Property Description
moisture Soil moisture in percent
moistureraw Raw sensor reading (for debugging)
temperature Temperature in °C
battery Battery level in percent
batteryraw Raw sensor reading (for debugging)

The following settings can be changed

Property Description
useLED Use the LED to indicate status. Good for debugging, bad for battery life (Default: false)
vccReading3V RAW reading of the ADC for 3V (Default: 958) See here for details
moistWetReadingAt3V RAW reading for 100% wet sensor at 3V (Default: 727) See here for details
moistDryReadingAt3V RAW reading for 100% dry sensor at 3V (Default: 540) See here for details


To use this firmware on your sensor follow the following steps:

  • Grab the latest release binary
  • Remove the jumper from the board
  • Open the configuration website
  • Connect the flasher and write the firmware to your device
    esptool -cd nodemcu -cb 115200 -cp "/dev/ttyUSB0" -cf firmware.bin
  • Remove the flasher
  • Insert batteries
  • Connect to the new Wifi (homie-123456)
  • Open the configuration website, the device is found and you can follow the configuration process. If you want to enable OTA updates, check the checkbox OTA.
  • Remove the batteries
  • Add Jumper to enable deep sleep
  • Insert batteries again
  • You can then subscribe to the topic homie/# on your MQTT broker and you will see the incoming messages MQTTExplorer

A word about precision

The sensor has imho a design flaw. There is no voltage regulator implemented and VCC of the ES8266 is the battery voltage. As VCC is the reference voltage of the ADC on the chip, the values depend on the battery voltage. To get useful results we will need to apply some form of correction for the values read. Second thing that comes to play is, that values of the resistors of the voltage divider are not 100% the same on different sensors. I have three sensors at hand and did some testing.

Battery voltage measurements

I measured different supply voltages on all of my sensors and as you can see, the results differ noticeably.

Voltage Sensor #1 Sensor #2 Sensor #3 Average Average linear
3,3 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024
3,2 1024 1016 1013 1018 1024
3,1 1015 979 979 991 991
3 982 945 947 958 958
2,9 946 914 915 925 925
2,8 914 882 884 893 892
2,7 881 849 853 861 859
2,6 846 815 818 826 825
2,5 812 783 774 790 792
2,4 780 751 755 762 759
2,3 747 720 710 726 726
2,2 710 683 686 693 693
Range 3V to 2,5V 170 162 173 168 166


As you can see, the readings are pretty linear, but the differences are significant. The tests showed, that the sensor stops working realiable below 2.5V.

Moisture sensor measurements

Next test was to measure the moisture sensor at its nominal voltage 3V and 2.5V.

@3.0V Moist 100% Moist 0% Corrected 100% Corrected 0%
Sensor #1 568 746
Sensor #2 505 712
Sensor #3 546 724
Avg 540 727 540 727
@2.5V Moist 100% Moist 0% Corrected 100% Corrected 0%
Sensor #1 469 610 567 738
Sensor #1 412 580 497 700
Sensor #3 448 589 548 721
Avg 443 593 536 717

I implemented a simple correction method, that takes the change in battery voltage into account. The values can be adjusted to your sensor, if you measure the values. The default values i used are the average values i measured.

Measuring and setting adjustment values

You will need to measure three values to adjust your sensor. Those have to be measured @3.0V VCC. Do not measure while using the programmer, because the programmer is working with 3.3V. You will get wrong results. The steps are very easy:

  • Flash the firmware to your device configure it and connect to your MQTT broker
  • Make sure the soil sensor is dry
  • Connect it to a 3V power source and note down batteryraw and moistureraw published to the MQTT topic
  • Submerge your sensor up to the marking in water and reconnect the 3V power source
  • Note down the now published value of moistureraw

You can now take the following JSON and publish it as a retained message to homie/YOURSENSORNAME/soilsensor/$implementation/config/set

  "settings": {
    "vccReading3V": YOUR_BATTERYRAW_VALUE,
    "moistWetReadingAt3V": YOUR_WET_MOISTURERAW_VALUE,

The next time the device goes online it will read this configuration and use the values from now on.

What about Battery life?

One of my sensors was sitting indoors without measuring anything and the battery life was > 210 days on one set of regular AA batteries. You can see the graph here:

Battery Life

OTA - Over the air update

You don't need to collect all your devices and connect a programmer to do a firmware upgrade. You can use the provided script in scripts to schedule a update. Just compile your new firmware file and execute the script with the parameters matching you setup and devicenames. You have to enable OTA Updates during configuration (You can always patch the configuration like it is described here)

cd scripts/
./ soil01

The next time the device wakes up, it will check for a new firmware and update itself.


How to flash and configure

This code uses PlatformIO for easy compilation and uploading. Just open PlatformIO and open the source folder and click on build. PlatformIO will download all necessary libraries and installs them for you.


  1. Set the Jumper to the open position
  2. Connect programmer
  3. Build and upload


  • First, open the Homie configuration website.
  • After flashing, the device will open a wifi access point with a name like homie-1234567. Connect to this wifi.
  • The configuration website will automatically detect the new homie device. Follow the setup procedure. If you plan to integrate the device into Openhab i suggest to leave the base MQTT topic to the default value homie.
  • The device will restart and connect to your wifi and immediately start sending to the specified MQTT broker.
  • Close the jumper to enable deep sleep
  • Power cycle the the device. Otherwise it will stop after the first transmission and not got to deep sleep.


You can uncomment the DEBUG definition at the beginning of the code to enable a more informative log on the serial console.

Adding the device to openhab2

The MQTT binding in OpenHAB2 natively supports homie devices. If you configure your broker, the devices will pop up in the in inbox in the PaperUI. You can then integrate them as you like. If you add persistence to influx to it, you can generate graphs with grafana.

Grafana Chart