The issue-tracker project relies on essential dependencies such as Prisma, React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript, along with various other libraries and tools for form handling, authentication, state management, and more.
├── .env.example
├── .eslintrc.cjs
├── .gitignore
├── components.json
├── next.config.mjs
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── postcss.config.cjs
├── prettier.config.mjs
├── prisma
│ ├── migrations
│ │ ├── 20231025223524_npx_prisma_db_push
│ │ │ └── migration.sql
│ │ ├── 20231026135147_issue
│ │ │ └── migration.sql
│ │ └── migration_lock.toml
│ └── schema.prisma
├── public
│ └── favicon.ico
├── src
│ ├── app
│ │ ├── Providers
│ │ │ └── ThemeProviders.tsx
│ │ ├── _components
│ │ │ └── ui
│ │ │ ├── BadgeStatus.tsx
│ │ │ ├── Form
│ │ │ │ └── ModifyIssueForm.tsx
│ │ │ ├── IssueList.tsx
│ │ │ ├── Loading.tsx
│ │ │ ├── ModifyIssueSheet.tsx
│ │ │ ├── Navbar.tsx
│ │ │ ├── ProgressCard.tsx
│ │ │ ├── SignInButton.tsx
│ │ │ └── ThemeToggle.tsx
│ │ ├── api
│ │ │ ├── auth
│ │ │ │ └── [...nextauth]
│ │ │ │ └── route.ts
│ │ │ └── trpc
│ │ │ └── [trpc]
│ │ │ └── route.ts
│ │ ├── globals.css
│ │ ├── issues
│ │ │ ├── new
│ │ │ │ └── page.tsx
│ │ │ └── page.tsx
│ │ ├── layout.tsx
│ │ ├── page.tsx
│ │ ├── schema
│ │ │ └── IssueSchema.ts
│ │ ├── store
│ │ │ └── store.ts
│ │ └── utils
│ │ └── helpers.ts
│ ├── components
│ │ └── ui
│ │ ├── avatar.tsx
│ │ ├── badge.tsx
│ │ ├── button.tsx
│ │ ├── card.tsx
│ │ ├── dropdown-menu.tsx
│ │ ├── form.tsx
│ │ ├── input.tsx
│ │ ├── label.tsx
│ │ ├── select.tsx
│ │ ├── sheet.tsx
│ │ ├── textarea.tsx
│ │ ├── toast.tsx
│ │ ├── toaster.tsx
│ │ └── use-toast.ts
│ ├── env.mjs
│ ├── lib
│ │ └── utils.ts
│ ├── server
│ │ ├── api
│ │ │ ├── root.ts
│ │ │ ├── routers
│ │ │ │ └── issue.ts
│ │ │ └── trpc.ts
│ │ ├── auth.ts
│ │ └── db.ts
│ └── trpc
│ ├── react.tsx
│ ├── server.ts
│ └── shared.ts
├── tailwind.config.js
└── tsconfig.json
- src: Main source code directory containing app logic and components.
- prisma: Directory for Prisma ORM configuration and database migrations.
- public: Directory for static assets like images, stylesheets, and client-side scripts.
- src/app: Contains application-specific logic and components.
- src/app/Providers: Directory for provider implementations used in the app.
- src/app/_components: Common components used throughout the app.
- src/app/api: API-related functionality for authentication and data retrieval.
- src/app/issues: Components and logic related to managing issues.
- src/app/schema: Directory for GraphQL schema definitions and related files.
- src/app/store: Redux store configuration and related functionality.
- next-auth: Authentication library for Next.js applications.
- prisma: Database toolkit and ORM for TypeScript and Node.js.
- react-hook-form: Library for flexible and efficient form validation in React.
- tanstack/react-query: Data fetching and caching library for React.
- trpc/server: TypeScript RPC framework for building efficient and type-safe APIs.
- zustand: State management library with a tiny footprint and simple API.
- tailwindcss: Utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
- typescript: Typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- Use the file path of the SQLite database you want to use.
- Generate a random secret using the command:
openssl rand -base64 32
- Create a new Github application on the Github Developer Portal.
- Go to the "OAuth2" section and add a redirect URI.
- Copy the generated Client ID.
- Create a new Github application on the Github Developer Portal.
- Go to the "OAuth2" section and add a redirect URI.
- Copy the generated Client Secret.
1.Clone the issue-tracker repository:
git clone
2.Install the dependencies with one of the package managers listed below:
pnpm install
bun install
npm install
yarn install
3.Start the development mode:
pnpm dev
bun dev
npm run dev
yarn dev