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MUD x Godot

Easy way to connect MUD autonomous worlds engine with Godot. This project works with Web only.


We are wraping MUD functions in class, compiling MUD client package to module and connecting it with Godot using JavaScriptBridge


  • MUD
  • GODOT (Using 4.1 for this tutorial, 3.5 works as well, but requires few changes in function names)


Creating MUD project

To start, create your MUD project from a template by running the following pnpm command. Choose vanilla template when asked.

pnpm create mud@next *my-project*

Template MUD project contains a simple counter example that will be used to demonstrate how to call functions and retrive information from MUD in Godot.

While having the MUD project ready, make sure to run following command at least once. You can close the terminal after successful run.

cd *my-project*
pnpm install
pnpm run dev

Compile MUD client package into a module

In the MUD project navigate to directory mud_project_path/packages/client. There is a need to change some files there.

First, setup vite to bundle project into a module.

Replace content in vite.config.ts with this code:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { resolve } from 'path'

export default defineConfig({
    build: {
        lib: {
          entry: resolve(__dirname, './src/index.ts'),
          name: 'mud',
          fileName: 'mud-lib',
        rollupOptions: {
          external: ['vue'],
          output: {
            globals: {
              vue: 'Vue',

in package.json add an entry point for library

    "main": "./src/index.ts",

Create an interface that Godot can access

In mud_project_path/packages/client/src open index.ts file.

We want to create class that wraps function calls to MUD and calls functions that we will later connect to Godot on MUD updates.

exaple of index.ts

import { setup } from "./mud/setup";
import mudConfig from "contracts/mud.config";
import { mount as mountDevTools } from "@latticexyz/dev-tools";

class MudWrap{
  increment: any

  async setup() {
    const {
      systemCalls: { increment },
    } = await setup();
    this.increment = increment
      config: mudConfig,
      publicClient: network.publicClient,
      walletClient: network.walletClient,
      latestBlock$: network.latestBlock$,
      blockStorageOperations$: network.blockStorageOperations$,
      worldAddress: network.worldContract.address,
      worldAbi: network.worldContract.abi,
      write$: network.write$,

    // Components expose a stream that triggers when the component is updated.
    components.Counter.update$.subscribe((update) => {
      console.log("Counter updated", update)

  async increment() {
    console.log("new counter value:", await this.increment());

  // To be overwritten by Godot callback
  counter_updated(update: any) {/**/}


(window as any).mud = new MudWrap()

Godot can get access to anything that is mounted to window interface of a browser.

The MUD setup was not placed in the constructor, as this code would be executed before the Godot project loads, preventing proper event handling.

Finally it is time to build the project. Run this command in mud_project_path/packages/client directory:

pnpm run build

Godot export setup

Initiate a new Godot project and create a 'build' folder inside.

Click Project -> Export and add Web export preset.

Set export path to godot_project_path/build/index.html

Now copy compiled module from mud_project_path/packages/client/dist to godot_project_path/build/mud-lib

In Godot export options add HTML headers

<script crossorigin="anonymous" type="module" src="mud-lib/mud-lib.js"></script>
  var process = {env : {NODE_ENV: "DEV" }}

Creating Godot interface for MUD

Create new script in Godot called and paste this code

extends Node

# these objects have to be global
var mud
var mudCounterUpdated

func _ready():
	# mud variable is now window.mud object from js
	mud = JavaScriptBridge.get_interface("mud")

	mudCounterUpdated = JavaScriptBridge.create_callback(counter_updated)
	# Godot overwrites window.mud.counterupdated() function in js
	# with js callback created above
	mud.counter_updated = mudCounterUpdated


# JavaScript callbacks in godot always put arguments in array
func counter_updated(update: Array):
	get_node("/root/Control/Label").text = str(update[0].value[0].value)

Navigate to Project -> Project Settings -> Autoload and add newly created script. godot autoload


Create new User Interface Scene and add 2 child nodes - Button and Label. You can change text of the Label to "Increment". Place them how you like in 2D editor.

your tree should look like this

godot tree

Right click on scene in file expoler in Godot and set it as main scene.

Attach new script to Control node and connect it with "button_up" signal from Button. Add following code:

extends Control

func _on_button_button_up():


Run MUD project from root direcory with this command:

pnpm run dev

Export Godot project.

To run the web app you can use python script supplied in Tip section of Godot manual. Paste it in build directory and run it.

NOTE: If you are using windows you might have to add bind parameter to test function in line 35:

test(CORSRequestHandler, HTTPServer, port=port, bind="")

You might have to disable CORS policy with some browser plugin.



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  • JavaScript 99.4%
  • Other 0.6%