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Data Structures and Algorithms including Linked List , Stack, Queue, Arrays, Hash Table, Search, Strings, Numbers, Trees

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# Title Solution
01 The Stack data Structure Solution
02 The Stack data Structure : Understanding Stack Solution
03 Determine if parenthesis are balanced Solution
04 Convert integer to binary Solution
05 The Stack data Structure : Reverse String Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations


# Title Solution
01 The Queue Data Structure Solution
02 The Queue Data Structure Solution
03 Queue Data Structure : Producer Consumer Problem Solution
04 Queue Data Structure : Producer Consumer Problem Solution
05 Queue Data Structure : Print Binary Numbers From 1 to 10 Using Queue Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Heap (Priority Queue)

# Title Solution
01 Find Median from Data Stream Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Linked List

Singly Linked List

# Title Solution
01 Singly Linked List Solution
02 Singly Linked List -- Length of List Solution
03 Singly Linked List -- Node Swap Solution
04 Singly Linked List -- Reverse Solution
05 Singly Linked List -- Merge Two Sorted Lists Solution
06 Singly Linked List -- Remove Duplicates Solution
07 Singly Linked List -- Nth-to-Last Node Solution
08 Singly Linked List -- Count Occurrence Solution
09 Singly Linked List -- Rotate Solution
10 Singly Linked List -- Is Palindrome Solution
11 Singly Linked List -- Move Tail to Head Solution
12 Singly Linked List -- Sum Two Lists Solution
13 Singly Linked Lists Leetcode -- Reverse Solution
14 Singly Linked Lists Leetcode -- Merge Two Sorted Lists Solution
15 Singly Linked List Leetcode -- Reorder List Solution
16 Singly Linked List Leetcode -- Remove Nth Node From End of List Solution
17 Singly Linked List Leetcode -- Linked List Cycle Solution
18 Singly Linked List Leetcode -- Merge k Sorted Lists Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations
00 Readme (Leetcode Problems) Problem Statements with Explanations

Doubly Linked List

# Title Solution
01 Doubly Linked List -- Append and Prepend Solution
02 Doubly Linked List -- Add Node Before/After Solution
03 Doubly Linked List -- Delete Node Solution
04 Doubly Linked List -- Reverse Solution
05 Doubly Linked List -- Remove Duplicates Solution
06 Doubly Linked List -- Pairs with Sum Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Circular Linked List

# Title Solution
01 Circular Linked List -- Append and Prepend Solution
02 Circular Linked List -- Remove Node Solution
03 Circular Linked List -- Split List Solution
04 Circular Linked List -- Josephus Problem Solution
05 Circular Linked List -- Is Circular Linked List Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Iteration & Recursion

# Title Solution
01 Iterative Method Solution
02 Recursive Method Solution
03 Recursive Method: Fibonacci Number Solution
04 Recursive Method: List Sum Solution
05 Recursive Method: Sum Of Integer Solution
06 Recursion: Sum Of Positive Integer Solution
06 Recursion: Calculate The Harmonic Sum Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations


# Title Solution
01 Arrays: Array Advance Game Solution
02 Greedy Algorithms: Optimal Task Assignment Solution
03 Sorting Algorithms: Intersection of Two Sorted Arrays Solution
04 Arrays: Arbitrary Precision Increment Solution
05 Arrays: Two Sum Problem Solution
06 Arrays: Buy and Sell Stock Solution
07 Subarray Sum Equals K Solution
08 Contains Duplicate Solution
09 Group Anagrams Solution
10 Top K Frequent Elements - Bucket Sort Solution
11 Product of Array Except Self Solution
12 Longest Consecutive Sequence Solution
13 3Sum Solution
14 Container With Most Water Solution
15 Unique Number of Occurrences Solution
16 Split the Array Solution
17 Kth Largest Element in an Array Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations


# Title Solution
01 Combination Sum Solution
02 Word Search Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Hash Table

# Title Solution
01 Hash Table Implementation Solution
02 Hash Table Implementation : Get Hash Solution
03 Hash Table Implementation : Collision Handling In Hash Table Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations


Linear Search

# Title Solution
01 Linear Search Solution
02 Linear Search : Find Elements Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Binary Search

# Title Solution
01 Binary search Solution
02 Binary Search: Find Closest Number Solution
03 Binary Search: Find Fixed Point Solution
04 Binary Search: Find Bitonic Peak Solution
05 Binary Search: Find First Entry in List with Duplicates Solution
06 Binary Search: Python's Bisect Method Solution
07 Binary Search: Integer Square Root Solution
08 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Solution
09 Binary Search: Find Index Of All Occurrences Solution
10 Binary Search: Search in Rotated Sorted Array Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Sorting Algorithms

Bubble Sort

# Title Solution
01 Bubble Sort Solution
02 Bubble Sort : Using Key Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Quick Sort

# Title Solution
01 Quick Sort: Hoare Partition Solution
02 Quick Sort: Lomuto Partition Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Insertion Sort

# Title Solution
01 Insertion Sort Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Merge Sort

# Title Solution
01 Merge Sort Two Sorted List Solution
02 Merge Sort: One Unsorted List Solution
03 Merge Sort: Using Key Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Shell Sort

# Title Solution
01 Shell Sort Solution
02 Shell Sort: Remove Duplicates Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Selection Sort

# Title Solution
01 Selection Sort Solution
02 Selection Sort: Dictionary Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations


# Title Solution
01 Reverse String Solution
02 Count Consonants in String Solution
03 Look-and-Say Sequence Solution
04 String Processing: Spreadsheet Encoding Solution
05 String Processing: Is Palindrome Solution
06 String Processing: Is Anagram Solution
07 String Processing: Is Palindrome Permutation Solution
08 String Processing: Check Permutation Solution
09 String Processing: Is Unique Solution
10 String Processing: Integer to String Solution
11 String Processing: String to Integer Solution
12 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Solution
13 Encode and Decode Strings Solution
14 Longest Repeating Character Replacement Solution
15 Minimum Window Substring Solution
16 First Letter to Appear Twice Solution
17 First Unique Character in a String Solution
18 Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations


# Title Solution
01 Add Digits Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations


# Title Solution
01 Product of Two Numbers Solution
02 Convert Integer To Binary Solution
03 Convert Binary To Integer Solution
04 Roman to Integer Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Tree Data Structures

General Trees

# Title Solution
01 General Trees Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Binary Trees

# Title Solution
01 Binary Trees: Traversal Algorithms Pre-Order Solution
02 Binary Trees: Traversal Algorithms In-Order Solution
03 Binary Trees: Traversal Algorithms Post-Order Solution
04 Binary Trees: Traversal Algorithms Level-Order Solution
05 Binary Trees: Traversal Algorithms Reverse Level-Order Solution
06 Binary Trees: Calculating Height of Tree Solution
07 Binary Trees: Calculating Size of Tree Solution
08 Binary Trees: Invert Binary Tree Solution
09 Binary Trees: Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Solution
10 Binary Trees: Subtree Of Another Tree Solution
11 Binary Trees: Level Order Traversal Solution
12 Binary Trees: Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Solution
13 Binary Trees: Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Solution
14 Binary Trees: Maximum Path Sum Solution
15 Binary Trees: Serialize and Deserialize Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Binary Search Trees

# Title Solution
01 Binary Search Trees: Insertion Solution
02 Binary Search Trees: Searching Solution
03 Binary Search Trees: Checking the BST Property Solution
04 Binary Search Trees: Using list Solution
05 Binary Search Trees: Using list - In-Order-Traversal Solution
06 Binary Search Trees: Using list - Post-Order-Traversal Solution
07 Binary Search Trees: Using list - Pre-Order-Traversal Solution
08 Binary Search Trees: Using list - Delete Node Method 1 Solution
09 Binary Search Trees: Using list - Delete Node Method 2 Solution
10 Binary Search Trees: Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Solution
11 Binary Search Trees: Validate Solution
12 Binary Search Trees: Kth Smallest Element Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Tries Data Structures

# Title Solution
01 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Solution
02 Design Add and Search Words Data Structure Solution
03 Word Search II Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Graphs Data Structure

# Title Solution
01 Graph Data Structure Solution
02 Number of Islands Solution
03 Clone Graph Solution
04 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Solution
05 Course Schedule Solution
06 Graph Valid Tree Solution
07 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

Advanced Graphs Data Structure

# Title Solution
01 Alien Dictionary Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

1-D Dynamic Programming

# Title Solution
01 Climbing Stairs Solution
02 House Robber Solution
03 House Robber II Solution
04 Longest Palindromic Substring Solution
05 Palindromic Substrings Solution
06 Decode Ways Solution
07 Coin Change Solution
08 Maximum Product Subarray Solution
09 Word Break Solution
10 Longest Increasing Subsequence Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations

2-D Dynamic Programming

# Title Solution
01 Unique Paths Solution
02 Longest Common Subsequence Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations


# Title Solution
01 Maximum Subarray Solution
01 Jump Game Solution
00 Readme Problem Statements with Explanations