This is a Vue 3 project built with Vite and Vuetify. It serves as an e-commerce platform with features like user authentication, product and category management, and a responsive design.
Check out the live version of the project: Kalles Vue
This project uses the DummyJSON API to handle:
- Product data
- Categories
- User login
Below is a list of the dependencies used in this project:
- vite: Build tool for modern web projects.
- vue: The progressive JavaScript framework.
- vuetify: Material Design Component Framework for Vue 3.
- typescript: Adds type definitions to JavaScript for better code reliability.
- @mdi/font: Material Design Icons for Vuetify.
- @iconify/vue: Icon framework for customizable and scalable icons.
- swiper: Modern slider library for carousels.
- vee-validate: Form validation for Vue.js.
- @vee-validate/yup: Schema-based form validation using Yup.
- pinia: Store management for Vue 3.
- pinia-plugin-persistedstate: Plugin to persist the Pinia state across sessions.
- axios: Promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.
- vue-toastification: Toast notifications for Vue.js.
- @stripe/stripe-js: JavaScript library for Stripe payment integrations.
- @unhead/vue: Head management for SEO-friendly meta tags.
- vite-plugin-image-optimizer: Optimizes images for better performance.
- vue-router: Official router for Vue.js.
- Tools and plugins to enhance development and build processes.
- src/: Main application source files.
- components/: Vue components.
- store/: Pinia state management.
- router/: Vue Router configuration.
- assets/: Static files like images and styles.
- utils/: Helper functions.
- User authentication using DummyJSON API.
- Product and category management.
- Fully responsive design with Vuetify.
- Search functionality to find products quickly.
- Filter products by categories.
- Cart and wishlist to manage user-selected items.
- Toast notifications for user feedback.
- Optimized images for faster load times.
- Stripe integration for payment handling.
- Form validation with Vee-Validate and Yup.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.
This code is for educational purposes only and not for commercial use.