No. containers: 2
Terraform version: v0.12.24
Docker version: 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d
git clone
cd terra-wordpress
terraform plan -out terraform.tfplan
terraform apply terraform.tfplan
terraform output
terraform destroy --auto-approve
volumes {
container_path = "/var/lib/mysql" --------
host_path = "/home/moisestapia/EMS/Terraform/terra-cert-docker/terra-wordpress/database"
container_path = The path in the container where the volume will be mounted.
host_path = The path on the host where the volume is coming from.
docker container ls
To configure wordpress we need follow the steps what help installer show us.
- create a file wp-config.php.
- add the content that the instales show us.
- restart the instalation.