Part of MomX
This package is still in active development.
devtools::install_github("MomX/Momit", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Then have a look to the vignette:
- sniff turn a tailored tibble of files
- digest an extrovert summary
- ship make a tidy folder of images
- review inspect carefully
- import_mom (=import)
- import_mask (handles multi)
- import_mask_Conte
- import_tps
- import_txt
- import_*1
- export_mom (=export)
- export_tps
- export_*1
- image_mask # turn any jpg into mask
- image_canny # turn any mask(s) into list of coordinates
- str_sort_natural <- str_sort with numeric=T - also show how to fix
- bot raw 40 jpg
- acer two scans jpg
- some tps
- some txt