This is very practical assignment; everyone loves to travel and explore new parts of the world. To discover a new place there are many factors to be considered as personal weather preference, according to which you have options to select your destination, a hotel to stay as per your choice and specially travel routes between your destination as you wish to travel, all in one app.
A set random latitudes/longitudes have be created and retrieved nearest cities.
Perform OpenWeatherMap API call and request information, organise it by using JSON.
Following are the images sourced throught Google platform API key for the travel map.
Marker layer map is useful to see all the hotels situated in a city. More markers in a map shows availability in a area.
Upon clicking a marker displays.
- Hotel Name
- City
- Country
- Max Temperature
which is very convinient to make up mind for potential vacation plan.
Its a very interesting feature to view travel routes for multiple destination.