MCprep v3.1.0 | The resource update
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New in this (3.1.0) release:
- THIS IS A MAJOR UPDATE, while the install should go smoothly, it might help to first remove the old MCprep, close Blender, and then re-open and install the new zip.
- Also, updating from directly inside blender has been added, so this should be the last time you need to manually install!
- Updated the minimum blender support version to 2.72 (Blender 2.8 support is in progress)
- Added texture packs! Whoa!
- While not 100% synonymous with Minecraft's resource packs, you can use valid Minecraft resource packs with MCprep for changing texture packs.
- Prep materials now generates animated materials! (Based on active texture pack, or the one shipped with the addon if none other specified). See a demo of that here.
- Texturepack swapping added - by setting the resource pack folder location to a valid resource pack, you can change the texturepack based on the selected objects, even mixing different packs within the scene.
- NOTE: Texturepack swapping and animate textures only works with jmc2obj worlds at the moment, Mineways support coming soon.
- Re-organized the mcprep_resources folder; if installing the update on top of a previous version, the addon should automatically move previously installed custom rigs and skins to the correct location, ie from `//MCprep_resources/default_mcprep/rigs' to '//MCprep_resources/rigs'
- Added a sub-folder called "resourcepacks" which comes with Minecraft textures by default (in a standard texturepack format, + a custom premade image set for Mineways).
- Added prep materials option (default: on) to auto-find and connect missing textures.
- This means no more pink materials! (unless the material doesn't match one found with the MCprep install).
- Previously, if you moved the texture folders away from an unpacked blend file or obj, the textures would be reported as missing. Now, any missing texture can be swapped for the matching internal one. Existing textures that do exist on file or are packed in the blend file will not be changed (unless swap texturepack is enabled)
- Overhaul of the Prep Materials button
- Much smarter and more appropriate cycles materials have been added
- Support for the principled node (can be disabled in the material settings, and will simply use legacy layouts for previous blender versions)
- The "prep UI" button now also sets at least solid view level (or textured, if cycles is active), to ensure after clicking textures are visible immediately
- Prepping cycles materials is now more efficient
- If not light emitting, sample as light will be turned off
- Only nodes that are required are generated/unmuted; e.g., if it's not a reflective material, the glossy shader and mix nodes will be muted
- Added operators for World Tools - including add sun lamp, and prep world. Prep world is a great tool which will optimize the blend file for typical Minecraft renders. In the case of cycles specifically, this typically will mean your scenes look better and render faster!
- While MCprep has always notified you about updates, for the first time you can actually directly update the addon from inside blender. When an update is ready (automatically checked daily, unless turned off in user preferences), a notice will ask if you want to install this update (blender may hang for a moment while it downloads, and then you'll need to restart Blender). This will work for this version of MCprep and afterwards (to upgrade to this v3.1.0, you'll have to install the normal manual way).
For help or any issues, create new issues here, or reach out to TheDuckCow at or on twitter @TheDuckCow or on youtube. In the addon, consider keeping (anonymous) usage tracking enabled to help me understand how to improve this addon more!