The opera can't perform itself, can it?
Yes, yes it can. In fact, any sentient project of any salt-worthiness would be capable of, and require, tuning of its own engineering and talents and skills to perform and reveal the opera, i.e., itself, to others. So here we go. I wanted to invent this long ago, but I was too slow. Shame on me, but I'm on it now. Not primarily Ned Grit technologically, but @mylife-services.
I'm co-focusing there on experiences
currently. The nascent form allows text-based interaction (anything else is plug-and-play to a useful extent) with logic scripts and contextualization. Essentially improv actors at your behest, to the level of skill and ability available in whatever models you choose to instruct and contextualize. I'm using OpenAI because they are the benchmark by far.