Welcome! We're really glad that you're here. Below you'll find all of the resources that we'll use throughout the class. If you're looking for slides, samples, links, etc., this is the place to look.
- WTF is GraphQL: Wait, what is GraphQL?
- GraphQL Query Language Course: Understanding the GraphQL Query Language
- Create Fullstack GraphQL Apps with GraphQL, Apollo, and React Playlist: Build a fullstack GraphQL app from scratch by Alex Banks & Eve Porcello
- Build a Blog with React and Markdown and Gatsby: Lots of cool GraphQL for Gatsby tips here from Taylor Bell
- GraphQL Data in React with Apollo Client: A great course on using GraphQL in React with Apollo Client by Nik Graf
- Building Serverless Web Applications with React & AWS Amplify
- Getting Started with Apollo Federation: Learn to build scalable GraphQL microservices with a federated architecture
- Moon Highway
- Articles
- Mailing List
- Schema Design Workshop
- Alex Banks: alex@moonhighway.com, @moontahoe
- Eve Porcello: eve@moonhighway.com, @eveporcello