A redux version of Eve Porcello's ski day counter.
under construction
- (v1.3) Planning a Redux App
- (v2.1) Running Redux with babel-node
- (v2.2) Building your first Reducer
- (v2.3) Creating Object Reducers
- (v2.4) Composing Reducers
- (v2.5) Challenge: building reducers
- (v2.6) Combining Reducers
- (v3.1) Creating a Store
- (v3.2) Subscribing to the Store
- (v3.3) Unsubscribing from the Store
- (v3.4) Creating Middleware
- (v4.1) Creating a static build with webpack
- (v4.2) What are Action Creators
- (v4.3) Using the Server
- (v4.4) Challenge: building action creators
- (v4.5) Async Actions with redux-thunk
- (v4.6) Suggest Resort Names thunk
- (v5.1) React/Redux
- State key Change skiDays to allSkiDays, for clarity
- Move fs to dispatch lesson, keep logs browser friendly
- Use babel-latest
- Use pure css over scss
- Add fetch and cancel fetch action creators to v4.4
- Maybe use isomorphic-fetch in an earlier sample???
- Simplified autocomplete and changed fetching!!!
- host image online somewhere (MoonHighway facebook???)
- Style Changes for Eve