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Does[0]compute? Spring 2018

During the fall 2018 semester, we will be having discussions on various computing topics. Please see the Morrell Lab - Does[0]Compute? website for a full list of topics.

Does[0]compute? Fall 2017

Full schedule for Fall 2017 is located on the Morrell Lab - Does[0]Compute? website.

Books Covered

Beginner Session

Advanced Session

  • Luciano Romalho's Fluent Python
  • Slides are posted in: Advanced_session_fall_2017

Past Topics Covered

  • File Conversions and Other Utilities
  • Sequence Cleaning and Quality Control
  • Read Mapping with Short and Long Read Aligners
  • SAM Processing
  • Genomic Ranges
  • Variant Detection
  • Variant Annotation
  • Quantitiave Genetics
  • Population Genetics

All slides for past topics are located in the Past_sessions directory.