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Morwenn edited this page Jul 18, 2020 · 74 revisions

cpp-sort uses function objects called sorters instead of regular function templates in order to implement sorting algorithms. The library provides two categories of sorters: generic sorters that will sort a collection with any given comparison function, and type-specific sorters which will be optimized to sort collections of a given type, and generally don't allow to use custom comparison functions due to the way they work. Every comparison sorter as well as some type-specific sorters may also take an additional projection parameter, allowing the algorithm to "view" the data to sort through an on-the-fly transformation.

While these function objects offer little more than regular sorting functions by themselves, they can be used together with sorter adapters to craft more elaborate sorters effortlessly. Every sorter is available in its own file. However, all the available sorters can be included at once with the following line:

#include <cpp-sort/sorters.h>

Note that for every foobar_sorter described in this page, there is a corresponding foobar_sort global instance that allows not to care about the sorter abstraction as long as it is not needed (the instances are usable as regular function templates). The only sorter without a corresponding global instance is default_sorter since it mainly exists as a fallback sorter for the functions cppsort::sort and cppsort::stable_sort when they are called without an explicit sorter.

If you want to read more about sorters and/or write your own one, then you should have a look at the dedicated page or at a specific example.

Comparison sorters

The following sorters are available and will work with any type for which std::less works and should accept any well-formed comparison function:


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/block_sorter.h>

Implements a block sort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n 1 Yes Random-access

block_sorter is a buffered sorter whose default specialization allocates a fixed buffer of 512 elements to achieve O(1) auxiliary memory. This memory complexity may change depending of the buffer provider passed to it.

    typename BufferProvider = utility::fixed_buffer<512>
struct block_sorter;

Whether this sorter works with types that are not default-constructible depends on the memory allocation strategy of the buffer provider. The default specialization does not work with such types.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/default_sorter.h>

WARNING: default_sorter is deprecated in version 1.8.0 and removed in version 2.0.0, see issue #168 for the rationale.

Sorter striving to use a sorting algorithm as optimized as possible. It is the fallback sorter used by cppsort::sort when no sorter is given. The current implementation defines it as follows:

struct default_sorter:

The adapter stable_adapter has an explicit specialization for default_sorter defined as follows:

struct stable_adapter<default_sorter>:

Deprecated in version 1.8.0

Removed in version 2.0.0


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/drop_merge_sorter.h>

Implements a drop-merge sort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n n No Bidirectional

Drop-merge sort is a Rem-adaptive sorting algorithm. While it is not as good as other sorting algorithms to sort shuffled data, it is excellent when more than 80% of the data is already ordered according to Rem.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/grail_sorter.h>

Implements a Grail sort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
? n log n n log n 1 Yes Random-access

grail_sorter is a buffered sorter whose default specialization achieves O(1) auxiliary memory by not actualy allocating any additional memomry. The memory complexity may change depending of the buffer provider passed to it.

    typename BufferProvider = utility::fixed_buffer<0>
struct grail_sorter;

Whether this sorter works with types that are not default-constructible depends on the memory allocation strategy of the buffer provider. The default specialization works with such types.

Changed in version 1.5.0: grail_sorter now handles comparison and projection objects that aren't default-constructible.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/heap_sorter.h>

Implements a heapsort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n log n n log n n log n 1 No Random-access


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/insertion_sorter.h>

Implements an insertion sort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n 1 Yes Bidirectional

This sorter also has the following dedicated algorithms when used together with container_aware_adapter:

Container Best Average Worst Memory Stable
std::list n 1 Yes
std::forward_list n 1 Yes

None of the container-aware algorithms invalidates iterators.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/merge_insertion_sorter.h>

Implements the Ford-Johnson merge-insertion sort. I am no researcher and I couldn't find the algorithm's complexity on the internet, so you will have nice question marks instead. This algorithm isn't meant to actually be used and is mostly interesting from a computer science point of view: for really small collections, it has an optimal worst case for the number of comparisons performed; it has been proven that for some sizes, no algorithm can perform fewer comparisons. That said, the algorithm has a rather big memory overhead and performs many move operations; it is really too slow for any real world use.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
? n log n n log n n No Random-access

Until version 1.7.0: it is worth noting that the algorithm uses GNU's bitmap_allocator when possible at some places instead of the default allocator. I noticed speed improvements up to 25%, but that still doesn't make the algorithm anywhere near fast.

Changed in version 1.7.0: the std::list used by the algorithm has been replaced with a custom list implementation whose speed does not depend on the availability of some allocator, and which should be faster than the previous implementation in any case (still not anywhere near fast).


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/merge_sorter.h>

Implements a merge sort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n log n n log n n log n n Yes Forward
n log n n log n n log² n log n Yes Forward

When additional memory is available, merge_sorter runs in O(n log n), however if there is no additional memory available, it uses a O(n log² n) algorithm instead. The merging algorithm is memory adaptive, so even if it can only allocate a bit of memory instead of all the memory it needs, it will still take advantage of this additional memory. This memory scheme means that this sorter can't throw std::bad_alloc.

This sorter also has the following dedicated algorithms when used together with container_aware_adapter:

Container Best Average Worst Memory Stable
std::list n log n n log n n log n log n Yes
std::forward_list n log n n log n n log n log n Yes

None of the container-aware algorithms invalidates iterators.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/pdq_sorter.h>

Implements a pattern-defeating quicksort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n log n No Random-access

pdq_sorter uses a more performant partitioning algorithm under the hood if the comparison and projection functions generate branchless code. You can provide this information to the algorithm by specializing the library's branchless traits for the given comparison/type or projection/type pairs if they aren't arleady handled natively by the library.

This sorter can't throw std::bad_alloc.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/poplar_sorter.h>

Implements a poplar sort, which is a heapsort derivate described by Coenraad Bron and Wim H. Hesselink in Smoothsort revisited. It builds a forest of perfect max heaps whose roots are stored on the right, then unheaps the elements to sort the collection.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n log n n log n n log n log n No Random-access

This sorter is a bit faster or a bit slower than smooth_sorter depending on the patterns in the data to sort. I don't think it has any real advantage over heap_sorter in production code.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/quick_merge_sorter.h>

Implements a flavour of QuickMergeSort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n log n No Random-access
n n log n n log n log² n No Forward

QuickMergeSort is an algorithm that performs a quicksort-like partition and tries to use mergesort on the bigger partition, using the smaller one as a swap buffer used for the merge operation when possible. The flavour of QuickMergeSort used by quick_merge_sorter actually uses an equivalent of std::nth_element to partition the collection in 1/3-2/3 parts in order to maximize the size of the partition (2 thirds of the space) that can be merge-sorted using the other partition as a swap buffer.

The log n memory is due to top-down mergesort stack recursion in the random-access version, while the memory of the forward version use is dominated by the mutually recursive introselect algorithm which is used to implement an nth_element equivalent for forward iterators.

This sorter can't throw std::bad_alloc.

New in version 1.2.0


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/quick_sorter.h>

Implements a quicksort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n log² n No Forward

Despite the name, this sorter actually implements some flavour of introsort: if quicksort performs more than 2*log(n) steps, it falls back to a median-of-medians pivot selection instead of the usual median-of-9 one. The median-of-medians selection being mutually recursive with an introselect algorithm explains the use of log²n stack memory.

This sorter can't throw std::bad_alloc.

Changed in version 1.2.0: quick_sorter used to run in O(n²), but a fallback to median-of-medians pivot selection was introduced to make it run in O(n log n), the tradeoff being the log²n space used by stack recursion (as opposed to the previous log n one).


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/selection_sorter.h>

Implements a selection sort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
1 No Forward

This sorter also has the following dedicated algorithms when used together with container_aware_adapter:

Container Best Average Worst Memory Stable
std::list 1 Yes
std::forward_list 1 Yes

None of the container-aware algorithms invalidates iterators.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/smooth_sorter.h>

Implements a smoothsort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n 1 No Random-Access

While the complexity guarantees of this algorithm are optimal, this smoothsort isn't actually fast in practice. Except for some specific patterns (where tim_sorter, pdq_sorter or verge_sorter are still faster anyway), it is always almost twice as slow as heap_sorter. Huge collections and/or huge objects may make a difference, but I have yet to see a case where this is a useful sorting algorithm.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/spin_sorter.h>

Implements a spinsort

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n n Yes Random-Access

New in version 1.6.0


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/split_sorter.h>

Implements an in-place SplitSort as descirbed in Splitsort—an adaptive sorting algorithm by Levcopoulos and Petersson. This library implements the simpler "in-place" version of the algorithm described in the paper.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n n No Random-Access

SplitSort is a Rem-adaptive sorting algorithm and shares many similarities with drop-merge sort but has the following differences:

  • It only works with random-access iterators.
  • While it uses O(n) extra memory to merge some elements, it can run perfectly fine with O(1) extra memory.
  • Benchmarks shows that drop-merge sort is better when few elements aren't in place, but SplitSort has a lower overhead on random data while still performing better than most general-purpose sorting algorithms when the data is already somewhat sorted.

New in version 1.4.0


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/std_sorter.h>

Uses the standard library std::sort to sort a collection. While the complexity guarantees are only partial in the standard, here is what's expected:

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n² * log n No Random-access

* std::sort is mandated by the standard to be O(n log n), but the libc++ implementation of the algorithm - despite non-trivial optimizations - is still O(n²). If you are using another standard library implementation then std_sorter should be O(n log n) for randon-access iterators, as expected.

The adapter stable_adapter has an explicit specialization for std_sorter which calls std::stable_sort instead. Its complexity depends on whether it can allocate additional memory or not. While the complexity guarantees are only partial in the standard, here is what's expected:

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n log n n log n n log n n Yes Random-access
n log² n n log² n n log² n 1 Yes Random-access

std::sort and std::stable_sort are likely not able to handle proxy iterators, therefore trying to use std_sorter with code that relies on proxy iterators (e.g. schwartz_adapter) is deemed to cause errors. However, some standard libraries provide overloads of standard algorithms for some containers; for example, libc++ has an overload of std::sort for bit iterators, which means that std_sorter could the the best choice to sort an std::vector<bool>.

This sorter can't throw std::bad_alloc.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/tim_sorter.h>

Implements a timsort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n n Yes Random-access

While the sorting algorithm is stable and the complexity guarantees are good enough, this sorter is rather slow compared to the some other ones when the data distribution is random. That said, it would probably be a good choice when comparing data is expensive, but moving it is inexpensive (this is the use case for which it was designed).

Changed in version 1.5.0: tim_sorter now handles comparison and projection objects that aren't default-constructible.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/verge_sorter.h>

Implements a vergesort algorithm backed by a quicksort derivative.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n log n n log n log log n n No Random-access
n n log n n log n log n No Random-access
n n log n n log n log log n n No Bidirectional
n n log n n log n log² n No Bidirectional

Vergesort is a Runs-adaptive algorithm (including descending runs) as long as the size of those runs is greater than n / log n; when the runs are smaller, it falls back to another sorting algorithm to sort them (pdqsort for random-access iterators, QuickMergeSort otherwise).

Vergesort's complexity is bound either by its optimization layer or by the fallback sorter's complexity:

  • When it doesn't find big runs, the complexity is bound by the fallback sorter: depending on the category of iterators you can refer to the tables of either pdq_sorter or quick_merge_sorter.
  • When it does find big runs, vergesort's complexity is bound by the merging phase of its optimization layer. In such a case, inplace_merge is used to merge the runs: it will use additional memory if any is available, in which case vergesort is O(n log n). If there isn't much extra memory available, it may still require O(log n) extra memory (and thus raise an std::bad_alloc if there isn't that much memory available) in which case the complexity falls to O(n log n log log n). It should not happen that much, and the additional log log n factor is likely irrelevant for most real-world applications.

Changed in version 1.6.0: when sorting a collection made of bidirectional iterators, verge_sorter falls back to quick_merge_sorter instead of quick_sorter.

Type-specific sorters

The following sorters are available but will only work for some specific types instead of using a user-provided comparison function. Some of them also accept projections as long as the result of the projection can be handled by the sorter.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/counting_sorter.h>

counting_sorter implements a simple counting sort. This sorter also supports reverse sorting with std::greater<>.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n+r n+r n+r No* Forward

This sorter works with any type satisfying the trait std::is_integral (as well as [un]signed __int128 even when the standard library isn't properly instrumented to handle them). It can be insanely faster than other sorting algorithms when there are only a few different values in a tight range (e.g. values between 0 and 100 in an array of 10000 elements), but will be far too slow and eat too much memory if the range is wider than the number of elements (e.g. an array with two elements whose values are 0 and 100000). No memory is used if the collection is already sorted.

* Since the original integers are discarded and overwritten, whether the algorithm is stable or not does not mean much. Moreover, it can only sort integers, so the potential stability problems shouldn't even be observable.

Changed in version 1.6.0: support for [un]signed __int128.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/ska_sorter.h>

ska_sorter implements a ska_sort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n n log n ? No Random-access

Even though it isn't based on comparison, ska_sorter can sort a variety of types in ascending order:

  • Any type satisfying the trait std::is_integral.
  • signed __int128 and unsigned __int128 when available, even when they don't satisfy std::is_integral.
  • float and double if they satisfy the trait std::numeric_limits::is_iec559, and if their sizes are respectively the same as those of std::uint32_t and std::uin64_t.
  • Any std::pair or std::tuple provided the return type of std::get<> is also handled by ska_sort.
  • Any type implementing operator[] provided its return type is also handled by ska_sort (this includes standard strings and random-access collections).

This sorter accepts projections, as long as ska_sorter can handle the return type of the projection.

Changed in version 1.2.0: support for [un]signed __int128.


#include <cpp-sort/sorters/spread_sorter.h>

spread_sorter implements a spreadsort.

Best Average Worst Memory Stable Iterators
n n*(k/d) n*(k/s+d) n*(k/d) No Random-access

It comes into three main flavours (available individually if needed):

  • integer_spread_sorter works with any type satisfying the trait std::is_integral.
  • float_spread_sorter works with any type satisfying the trait std::numeric_limits::is_iec559 whose size is the same as std::uint32_t or std::uin64_t.
  • string_spread_sorter works with std::string and std::wstring (if wchar_t is 2 bytes). This sorter also supports reverse sorting with std::greater<>. In C++17 it also works with std::string_view and std::wstring_view (if wchar_t is 2 bytes).

These sorters accept projections as long as their simplest form can handle the result of the projection. The three of them are aggregated into one main sorter the following way:

struct spread_sorter: