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Parameter Files

Mustafa Al Ibrahim edited this page Feb 26, 2021 · 19 revisions

If the executable is used, a parameter file is used to provide the input to the simulator. A parameter file is already included with the executable as an example. Below is an explanation of the parameters in the file.

Container Parameters

Parameter Explanation Value type Example
Container Type Geometry description Box/Cylinder Box
Container Scale Size in x, y, and z 3D Vector [5 5 5]
Container Dynamic Friction Dynamic friction (0: no friction) Scaler 0.6
Container Static Friction Static friction (0: no friction) Scaler 0.6
Container Bounciness Coefficient of restitution (0: in elastic) Scaler (fraction) 0.3
Modify Scale Automatically Resize the container based on the grain volume Boolean True
Estimated Porosity Estimated porosity used in automatic rescaling Scaler (fraction) 0.45
Buffer Length Edge to exclude in the deposition Scaler (fraction) 0.1
Background Color Color of the background of the software Vector [0 0 0]

Simulation Parameters

Parameter Explanation Value type Example
Fixed Delta Time Delta time for PDE solver Scaler 0.01
Solver Iteratoin Count Maximum number of iteration for solver Scaler (integer) 20
Velocity Solver Iteration Count Maximum number of iteration for velocity solver Scaler 0.6
Sleep Threshold Minimum energy for a grain to be included in solver Scaler 0.6
Bounce Threshold Minimum velocity for grains to bounce of each other Scaler 20
Time Scale Increase simulation speed (does not effect solver) Scaler 3
Target Frame Rate Target frame rate Scaler (integer) 30
Contact Offset Grains distance collision is activiated Scaler 0.01

Shaking Parameters

Parameter Explanation Value type Example
Shake Transversely Activate/deactivate transverse shaking Boolean False
Shake Rotationally Activate/deactivate rotational shaking Boolean False
Stabilize Camera Stabalize camera while shaking Boolean True
Shaking Fraction Fraction with respect to radius (higher: more shake) Scaler (fraction) 0.001
Shaking Roation Fraction Fraction with respect to Angle (higher: more shake) Scaler (fraction) 0.001

Folders Parameters

Parameter Explanation Value type Example
Project Folder Path Folder path for PDFs and Output folder will be String ./
PDF Folder Name PDF Folder name (inside the project folder) String PDFs
Save Folder Name Folder name (inside the project folder) String Sim1
Create New Folder Automatically Whether to create the save folder automatically Boolean True
Override Output Folder Whether to override the save folder if full Boolean True

Particle Groups

Parameter Explanation Value type Example
Use Volume Proportion Whether the PDFs define # of particles or volume Boolean False
Grain Count Goal Total number of grains in the simulation Integer 1000
Number of Beds Number of beds simulated Integer 1

Bed x

Parameter Explanation Value type Example
Bed x Name Name String Bed 1
Bed x Proportion Proportion of all beds Scaler (fraction) 0.5
Bed x Wait After Deposition Wait after depostion to let grains settle Scaler 10
Bed x Cement After Deposition Stop grains from movement after depostion Boolean False
Bed x Disappear After Deposition Grains disappear after depostion (still saved) Boolean False

Bed x Grain y

Parameter Explanation Value type Example
Bed x Grain y Name Name String Bed 1
Bed x Grain y Type Grain type Sphere/Realistic Sphere
Bed x Grain y Parameters Parameters related to realistic grains String (see below)
Bed x Grain y PDF PDF file name used for this grain group String Mono
Bed x Grain y PDF Multiplier Quick operation on PDF grain size: multiply Scaler 1
Bed x Grain y PDF Offset Quick operation on PDF grain size: add Scaler 0
Bed x Grain y Exact Vertical Creation Grains created at exactly the same heights? Boolean False
Bed x Grain y Disappear At Bottom Grains disappear if they hit the bottom Boolean False
Bed x Grain y Proportion Proportion of all grain group in this bed Scaler (fraction) 0.6
Bed x Grain y Deposition Type Fining Upward, Coarsening upward, or Random (FU, CU, Random) Fining Upward
Bed x Grain y Dynamic Friction Dynamic friction (0: no friction) Scaler 0.6
Bed x Grain y Static Friction Static friction (0: no friction) Scaler 0.6
Bed x Grain y Bounciness Coefficient of restitution (0: in elastic) Scaler 0.2
Bed x Grain y Friction Combine Average, Minimum, Maximum, Multiply (Selection) Average
Bed x Grain y Bounce Combine Average, Minimum, Maximum, Multiply (Selection) Average
Bed x Grain y Color Type Size, Base, Secondary, Random (Selection) Size
Bed x Grain y Base Color First color in RGB (0-255) 3D Vector [255 128 0]
Bed x Grain y Secondary Color Coefficient of restitution (0: in elastic) 3D Vector [255 128 0]

Deposition Parameters

Parameter Explanation Value type Example
Automatic Deposition Deposit grains automatically Boolean True
Deposition Rate Per Sec Number of grains created per seconds Scaler 10
Save Rock Automatically Save the data automatically after deposition Boolean False
Save Data File Save meta data when saving is activated Boolean True
Save Rock File Save mesh data for the whole grain pack Boolean True
Save Grains File Save separate mesh data for each grain Boolean True
Exit Automatically Exit the program after simulation is completed? Boolean False