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This Motion Attention Evaluation
aims to draw the attention matrix and attention nodes on human skeletal.
- The goal of this attention matrix is to find some potential relationships between two joints which include adjacent joints and non-adjacent joints. In our case, we only show the top-3 important relationshop between joints.
- The meaning of the attention nodes can show the importance of top 3 nodes.
- Because we set 4 attention matrix on our training setting. There will only show 4 attention matrix.
$\to$ top1 -
$\to$ $\to$ Attention Matrix
$M_0$ : Use Reverse COLORMAP_SPRING -
$\to$ $\to$ Attention Matrix
$M_3$ : Use Reverse COLORMAP_AUTUMN
ColorMap is referenced by https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d3/d50/group__imgproc__colormap.html
dir_path : '/home/{$USER}/datasets/Skating_Dataset
Take Loop
for example, the directory path should be
- Skating_Dataset
- alpha_pose_{$FILENAME}
- vis
- 0.jpg
- 1.jpg
- {$FILENAME}.mp4
- {$FILENAME}.npz
- alphapose-results.json
- alpha_pose_{$FILENAME}
# finetune_nodiff_andrew
attention_node : '{$USER}/MotionExpert/results/finetune_nodiff_andrew/jsons/att_node_results_epoch90.json'
attention_matrix : '{$USER}/MotionExpert/results/finetune_nodiff_andrew/jsons/att_A_results_epoch90.json'
epoch_num : 90
output_dir : '{$USER}/Evaluation/finetuneAttention'
video_dir : '{$USER}/datasets/Skating_Dataset0811'
results_epoch : '{$USER}/MotionExpert/results/finetune_nodiff_andrew/jsons/results_epoch90.json'
$ conda activate motion2text
$ python draw_skeleton2D.py /home/weihsin/projects/Evaluation/config_file/finetuneAttention.yaml
Originally, there are 22 joints on SMPL format. I map the SMPL format to OpenPose format that Alphapose use.
mapping = [-1, 12, 15, -1, -1, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8]
SMPL format Open Pose Map SMPL
0 : pelvis 0 : Nose (None)
1 : left-hip 1 : LEye 12 : neck
2 : right-hip 2 : REye 15 : head
3 : spine-1 3 : LEar (None)
4 : left-knee 4 : REar (None)
5 : right-knee 5 : LShoulder 16 : left-shoulder
6 : spine-2 6 : RShoulder 17 : right-shoulder
7 : left-ankle 7 : LElbow 18 : left-elbow
8 : right-ankle 8 : RElbow 19 : right-elbow
9 : spine-3 9 : LWrist 20 : left-wrist
10 : left-foot 10 : RWrist 21 : right-wrist
11 : right-foot 11 : LHip 1 : left-hip
12 : neck 12 : RHip 2 : right-hip
13 : left-collar 13 : LKnee 4 : left-knee
14 : right-collar 14 : Rknee 5 : right-knee
15 : head 15 : LAnkle 7 : left-ankle
16 : left-shoulder 16 : RAnkle 8 : right-ankle
17 : right-shoulder
18 : left-elbow
19 : right-elbow
20 : left-wrist
21 : right-wrist
OpenPose format is reference from https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose/blob/master/docs/output.md