Select a random group of medical review questions and send them to your email.
To use this copy the codes and paste them to your python program. You need to specfy the following variables first for the codes to run with no errors:
- From = ""
- To = ""
- Password = "Your_Password"
The clinical questions file has 1230 questions which cover 31 different specialties.
Here are the numbers of questions of the top ten specialties:
- Hematology: 131 (0 Emergency and 3 Pharmacology)
- Infectious Diseases: 125 (0 Emergency and 50 Pharmacology)
- Oncology: 123 (6 Emergency and 10 Pharmacology)
- Gastroenterology: 109 (1 Emergency and 5 Pharmacology)
- Cardiology: 107 (2 Emergency and 21 Pharmacology)
- General Surgery: 83 (0 Emergency and 1 Pharmacology)
- Pulmonology: 71 (0 Emergency and 2 Pharmacology)
- Endocrinology: 60 (1 Emergency and 19 Pharmacology)
- Gynecology: 48 (1 Emergency and 4 Pharmacology)
- Rheumatology: 40 (0 Emergency and 7 Pharmacology)
The questions were collected over 357 days between 2018-02-13 and 2019-02-04.
All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements and ideas are welcome.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.