1. Online food ordering site
2. Created using django
- Restaurants are shown as per your location
- View and order foods from various resturants near you
- View foods and resturants by caterories
- Search for restaurants near you
- Order food
- Pay online/cash on delivery
- Instamojo payment gateway integrated
- Create user profile, add multiple addresses
Client Side: HTML, SCSS, TailwindCSS
Server Side: Django, instamojo payment gateway integrated
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
SECRET_KEY = 'django-insecure-ig4&)no7x*mb(t_r@dh9x9%&b4u_0o+k8%%7bxf5*j$nhe*8sm''
API_KEY = "test_5b078119eb4fdf794bd218a0e58"
AUTH_TOKEN = "test_86486ea3926cbd174c5bb653a13"
ENDPOINT = "https://test.instamojo.com/api/1.1/"
Create a folder and open terminal and install this project by command
git clone https://github.com/Mr-Atanu-Roy/FoodShip
or simply download this project from https://github.com/Mr-Atanu-Roy/FoodShip
In project directory Create a virtual environment(say env)
virtualenv env
Activate the virtual environment
For windows:
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
To migrate the database run migrations commands
py manage.py magemigrations
py manage.py migrate
Create a super user
py manage.py createsuperuser
And add some records(restaurants and products) from admin panel.
To run the project in localserver
py manage.py runserver
Then go to in your browser to see the project
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