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Zero-runtime CSS-in-JS tool inspired by Linaria.

Try on StackBlitz or check out example.

⚠ Work in progress.

pnpm i -D vite-plugin-toad

/*@toad-ext .scss*/ // This sets extension for corresponding output file.
// You can set in plugin config globally or for each file.
import { render } from 'solid-js/web';
import { modularScale, hiDPI } from 'polished';
import { css } from 'vite-plugin-toad/css';
import Constants from './constants';
import logo from './logo.svg';

css`/*global*/ /* mark style as global */
   body {background-color: ${Constants.BACKGROUND_COLOR};} /* Use some static variables. Works when 'ssr.evaluate = true' */
   @keyframes logo-spin {
      from {transform: rotate(0deg);}
      to {transform: rotate(360deg);}
const App = () => (
         /*@toad-debug wrapper*/ // <- this adds "wrapper" to output class
         max-width: 800px;
         background-color: #dadada;
         font-size: ${modularScale(2)};
         ${hiDPI(1.5)} {
            font-size: ${modularScale(2.5)};
            animation: logo-spin infinite 10s linear;
            height: 40vmin;
            pointer-events: none;
            & ~ p {
               $variable: blue;
               color: #{$variable}; // This code will work as we set .scss extension
      <p>Edit <code>app.tsx</code> and save to reload</p>
      <a href="" target="_blank" > Learn solid </a>
if (!import.meta.env.SSR) {
   render(App, document.body);

All CSS transforms are handled by Vite, so it will work with SASS, LightningCSS, PostCSS and other tools.
There is also way to write your CSS-in-JS separately by using babel-plugin-css-attribute. Here it is an example from my project with UnoCSS, preset attributify and vite-plugin-toad:

   class="block cursor-pointer text-center c-blue-500"
   css={css`@container (height < 400px) { margin-bottom: 0; }`}
   My link


<a class={"block cursor-pointer text-center c-blue-500 m-b-8 m-t-16px" + "login_page-1okjy9f"}
   My link

To use this feature, set transformCssAttribute: true or use Babel plugin, example with vite-plugin-solid:

import ViteSolid from "@foxpro/vite-plugin-solid"
import BabelPluginCssAttrs from "vite-plugin-toad/babel-plugin-css-attribute"

// ...vite configurations and plugins... 
   hot: dev,
   dev: dev,
   typescript: {
      onlyRemoveTypeImports: true
   babel: {
      plugins: [[BabelPluginCssAttrs, {}]]

⚠️ To achieve better better performance, use babel-plugin-css-attribute directly if possible, because Toad will use additionally:
This can slightly affect build performance.
You can customize babel options by using babel option.

For more advanced documentation, please refer to typescript JSDoc comments.


I found following way of writing components can be convinient:

      background-color: var(--grey-000);
      border: 1px solid blue; border-radius: 8px;
      &:focus {
         outline-offset: -5px; outline-color: var(--grey-000);
      color: var(--black-900); line-height: 3.5rem; font-weight: 500;
   h-12 w-full p-l-10px

CSS-in-JS for creating component styles, and Atomic CSS with attributify for positioning component in layout.
I found this way keeps code more clean and readable. It avoids mess of long atomic classes with ?#[]@ symbols and decoupling of styles as it used to with BEM or CSS modules.

I'm planning to add handling of css="" attribute.

Known tradeoffs

Make sure you modules with CSS-in-JS don't use top-level DOM API if you are using ssr: { eval: true }. You can wrap it like in the example:

if (!import.meta.env.SSR) {
   render(App, document.body)

Some plugins don't respect Vite ssr: true option when using ssrLoadModule, so they need to be processed separately if you're want to use variables in template literals.
You can process it in customSSRTransformer. Make sure to output SSR-ready code.

   outputExtension: '.scss',
   exclude: [/node_modules/, /\.s?css/], // better to exclude all styles
   ssr: {
      eval: true,
      async customSSRTransformer(code, ctx, server, _c, url) {
         solidOptions.solid.generate = 'ssr'
         const result = await server.transformRequest(skipToadForUrl(url), { ssr: true })
         // Or, if you know what you're doing: 
         // const solidPlugin = server.config.plugins.find(p => === 'solid')
         // const result = await solidPlugin.transform(code, skipToadForUrl(url), { ssr: true })
         return {
            // this will be called when we will transform all dependencies
            cb: () => {
               solidOptions.solid.generate = 'dom'

Currently, it may not work if styles are co-located with some legacy dependencies / or dependencies that are not intended to be used in SSR environment. What you can do about it:

  • Split your code so your component with styles are not in the same module with bad dependency
  • Wrap your dependency in lazy import() inside your component near usage place, or in if(!import.meta.env.SSR).
  • Try another SSR-friendly library instead
  • Make a simple Vite plugin just in your configuration to skip dependency: return empty string in Vite load() hook.
  • Play with Vite ssr.external configuration. It's possible that I will implement some kind of tree-shaking through SWC, so all unused in styling deps will be omitted, as Linaria do with their shaker.


You can avoid using import { css } from 'vite-plugin-toad/css by adding "vite-plugin-toad/css" entry to tsconfig.json compilerOptions.types array.


Zero-runtime CSS in JS with Vite






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