composer require mrmadclown/laravel-multipart-response
If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php
Here for you don't actually need the ServiceProvider.
use MrMadClown\LaravelMultipartResponse\Http\MultipartResponse;
$elements = [[
'name' => 'my-file',
'contents' => fopen('my-file.txt', 'rb'),
'filename' => 'my-file.txt'
return new MultipartResponse($elements);
This will create a Response with all the files in that directory (Not recursively!)
use MrMadClown\LaravelMultipartResponse\Http\MultipartResponse;
return MultipartResponse::fromDirectory('/var/www/html/storage/app/files-to-send');
This is why you would need the ServiceProvider.
$elements = [[
'name' => 'my-file',
'contents' => fopen('my-file.txt', 'rb'),
'filename' => 'my-file.txt'
return \response()->multipart($elements);