Gather Spanish electricity hourly prices from
To build this plugin, just run (go environment needed, at least 1.17):
Which will build the binary ./bin/pvpc
You can run it with ./bin/pvpc --config plugin.conf
## Defines the time aggregation of the requested data.
time_trunc = "hour"
## Time range.
## If omitted, today's price is obtained.
## Defines the starting date in ISO 8601 format.
## Defines the ending date in ISO 8601 format.
## Id of the autonomous community/electrical system. Optional
geo_id = 8741
## Http request timeout.
Once compiled and configured, you could add the plugin to Telegraf adding this configuration:
## One program to run as daemon.
## NOTE: process and each argument should each be their own string
command = ["/path/to/pvpc", "--config", "/path/to/plugin.conf"]
## Define how the process is signaled on each collection interval.
## Valid values are:
## "none" : Do not signal anything. (Recommended for service inputs)
## The process must output metrics by itself.
## "STDIN" : Send a newline on STDIN. (Recommended for gather inputs)
## "SIGHUP" : Send a HUP signal. Not available on Windows. (not recommended)
## "SIGUSR1" : Send a USR1 signal. Not available on Windows.
## "SIGUSR2" : Send a USR2 signal. Not available on Windows.
signal = "none"
## Delay before the process is restarted after an unexpected termination
restart_delay = "10s"
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "influx"
# Set interval to 24h
interval = "24h"
- pvpc
- tags:
- geo_id (uin32)
- fields:
- value (float64)
- tags:
pvpc,geo_id=8741 value=291.07 1575008500000000000
pvpc,geo_id=8741 value=196.58 1575008500000000000