- Using Java Spring Context Configuration
- Generate Import OSGI Components (Bean Definitions) by Annotation Processor
- Move to osgi-import-bean-definition-annotation-processor
- Execute next commands in terminal:
- mvn clean compiler:compile@compile-project install
- mvn install
- Check Your local .m2 repository - annotation processor should exist there
- Move to jira-plugin-sample-using-annotation-processor
- Execute next commands in terminal:
- atlas-clean
- atlas-compile or atlas-package
- Check target directory and find generated configuration classes for annotated classes:
- Run jira
- Up PostgreSQL using Docker
- Run command atlas-debug
- Open Web Browser or Postman
- Send GET http request http://localhost:2990/jira/rest/demo/1.0/bean/explorer
- Check the response and find the beans in the context of the Spring plugin whose bean definitions were generated by the annotation processor