Chess Engine created to explore the world of chess programming
Learning resources :
- Bluefever Software - ChessProgramming Wiki
This project is currently in mid-stage development.
Currently setting up search and evaluation.
Board representation - Completed
Parse FEN - Completed
Print board - Completed
Check if a square was attacked by opposite side - Completed
Move formatting - Completed
white pawn - Done (including en passant)
black pawn - Done (including en passant)
white/black knight - Done
white/black king - Done
white/black rook - Done
white/black bishop - Done
white/black queen - Done
castling - Done
all moves generation - Done
Perft testing are a commonly used test in chess programming that allow us to check whether the Move Generation function of the engine are working correctly.
An example of the test is from the starting position, white should have 20 possible moves. Thus move generation should output all the 20 moves (not just the number but the actual move in Move class).
For now, position evaluation consist of Piece-Square tables, at which the position of each pieces on the board are added. For instance, a more favourable pawn position would be in the center thus higher scores are given. If the pawn are not at the center, then scores are lower.