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Security: Multinite/multiui-component-template


Security Policy

Supported Versions

The following versions of the project are currently being supported with security updates:

Version Supported

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability in this project, we encourage you to report it as soon as possible. Please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Information:

    • Email us at with the details of the vulnerability. Include a detailed description of the issue and any relevant information or proof-of-concept.
  2. Handling Procedure:

    • Our security team will acknowledge your email within 2 business days.
    • We will investigate the vulnerability and aim to provide a response within 7 days. This response will include our assessment of the vulnerability, an estimated timeline for fixing the issue, and any necessary mitigating measures.
    • We request that you do not publicly disclose the vulnerability until we have addressed it and released a fix. This is to protect the users of our project from potential exploitation.
  3. Security Updates:

    • Once the vulnerability is resolved, we will release a security update and notify the community. We will credit you for your report if you wish, or keep your identity confidential if you prefer.
  4. Best Practices:

    • We encourage all users of our project to keep their installations up to date and follow best security practices.

Security Best Practices for Users

  • Regularly update to the latest version of the project.
  • Use strong and unique passwords for authentication.
  • Be cautious when using third-party plugins or dependencies and ensure they are regularly updated.


We appreciate the efforts of the security community in responsibly reporting security vulnerabilities and helping us maintain a secure project.


For any other security-related concerns or questions, please contact us at

There aren’t any published security advisories